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fhandror last won the day on October 21

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About fhandror

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. the error you are getting is super easy to fix, your error is happening because you don't have lua and/or luajit installed in your pc just need to install lua and luajit and set the path to it as you speak portuguese: seu erro é super simples de resolver, seu erro acontece porque você não tem Lua e/ou Luajit instalado no seu PC você precisa fazer o seguinte, instalar lua e o luajit e configurar o path correto no windows link lua and luajit (compiled by myself using visual studio): https://www.mediafire.com/file/0fsn9wz8zvcewh4/Lua_and_Luajit.rar/file Open "Local Disk C/" drive -> "Program Files" Open the file you downloaded "Lua and Luajit.rar" Drag the "Lua" folder into your program files and authorize it to paste hit Windows key on your keyboard -> type Advanced -> hit Enter in the window "System Properties" -> look botton right corner -> click "System Variables" botton window "System Variables" -> click "Path" and click "edit" -> click "new" -> type this C:\Program Files\Lua Click "OK" -> "OK" again -> "OK" again Done luajit and lua are installed and path to them configured, now you can use the decompiler without this error showing up again! Português: Abra "Disco Local C/" no Windows explorer -> "Arquivos de Programas" Abra o arquivo que você baixou "Lua and Luajit.rar" descompacte a pasta "Lua" dentro de "Arquivos e Programas" e autorize ele colar Aperte a tecla Windows no seu teclado -> digite Avançado -> aperte Enter na janela "Propriedades do Sistema" -> olhe no canto inferior direito -> clique "Variáveis de Sistema" na parte de baixo veja "Variáveis de Sistema" -> clique "Path" e clique "editar" -> clique "novo" -> digite isso aqui C:\Program Files\Lua Clique "OK" -> "OK" de novo -> "OK" de novo Pronto, lua e luajit foram instalados e o Path for configurado correto, agora você pode usar o decompilador sem ter esse erro de novo!
  2. The Great V3ct0r itself comments on my post! I'm honored for having you here V3ct0r, i have both 1.36 and 2.4, the 2.4 was the first one to get ready to be uploaded, next i'm gonna upload the 1.36...and i like 2.4 more than 1.36, so 2.4 was chosen to be the first hahahahaha
  3. Now Log into your SQL Server Management, you must have 2 users in your SQL Server folder: "Security" -> "Logins" -> must have a "PKOAdmin" and a "IGSACCOUNT" if you have both users, make sure that "PKOAdmin" password is qMN#PH$01server and that "IGSACCOUNT" password is A$g6#¨&$2fgh*7gfgAdSe
  4. sure i can help you, this error happens because your config file is with the wrong password and/or server name, show me here your AccountServer.cfg file and printscreen of your SQL Server Management connect window (you can see the window at the part 1 guide video at 8:01)
  5. One last thing i forgot to mention... If you created your GM account but when you log at the game, the game says you are not a GM, don't worry, do this: Enter your SQL Server Management Studio -> connect to you server as shown in the first video. go to your server folders "Databases" -> "gamedb" -> "Tables" search the "dbo.account" ->, right click it -> select "Edit Top 200 Rows" now a window will open and show all your accounts -> edit the "gm" -> put 99 to be a Full GM Done! now your account is a GM account
  6. For anyone needing a guide step by step, all the client and server+IGS files, all pre-configured, all setup and ready to play, literally a Plug'n Play Kit, well here you go:
  7. For sure my friend, i had to spend 4 or 5 days to figure out on how to make this server happen, it was not easy and there were too many days searching in old guides and comments from 2016 and older posts and a lot of troubleshooting and code editing
  8. Thank you, i made this guide and kit to everyone that was having troubles like i was when i tried to make my own server, it can be re-configured to be a full Online Server too
  9. My Kit comes ready to play, it contains all the files needed, all the files are pre-configured, literally Plug&Play
  10. Hello and Welcome Everyone! I am Fhandror and i bring to you my latest Plug&Play Kit, a "All You Need Kit" for PKO 2.4(2.7) offline server and client, the kit contains: All Server Files 2.4(2.7) you gonna need IGS 100% working + Xer0 Shop Manager Powerful Client 2.4(2.7) ready to go Everything is pre-configured and done, you just need to follow the video tutorials to "plug" it into your PC 2 Video Guides that shows everything you need to do, step by step, including how to add items and crystals to the IGS , in case you can't watch it from YouTube Maps and Apparels ready for implementation and some other projects too, like Admirals Cape All the Tools you gonna need, even Yammi Map Editor GM Commands Guide Both SQL Server 2012 and SQL Server Management Studio 2012 All pre-configured to a offline server, ready to go, and the link is from Media Fire, so no more you have to suffer people putting links from Megaupload, so you don't need to worry about download limits. This files are NOT mine, this Kit is meant to help everyone that passes by the troubles that i did in searching this pkodev website, almost no guides step-by-step, people just posting codes and saying "this is a guide" and leaving you to figure it all out by your own, never again my friend! BECAUSE NOW YOU HAVE THIS KIT! FOR YOU! FOR FREE! Here are the links: Download Plug'n Play Kit: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hzf2euxej0zc8s1/PKO_II_-_Full_Kit_-_Client_%26_Server_2.4_%282.7%29_-_Plug_%26_Play.rar/file YouTube Videos part 1: part 2
  11. And please, after you solved this error of IGS and you are still using InfoTools.exe to add items to IGS, can you please post a link for download of InfoTools.exe?
  12. hi thx for explaining how to solve this error (i'm having the exact same error). You used XeroShop Manager to add items? if yes, please can you show a print on you adding a item? i'm having trouble using the XeroShop Manager
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