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About Ock

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. Hey there new member here. I wanted to suggest the possible development of a wiki.pkodev as a knowledge base for new users wishing to try and establish their own ToP/PKO private server. This wiki could outline many of the frequent questions posted in Questions and Answers such as AccountServer Hang Importing databases and running SQL commands patching of the ToP II client for connecting with private server and other "beginner" type tasks for setting up a server and logging in. The wiki could also serve as a knowledge base for known vulnerabilities, the PKO.dev mod loader and so forth. I've noticed a lot of the information on the forum can get a little bit disconnected and sometimes its hard to find exactly what you're looking for. I think centralizing things into a wiki at least for basic stuff would be a huge help. Just a suggestion from somebody who's been here a month or so, love this site and the community otherwise!
  2. Okay returning as i've solved my own problem once again so I'm returning to document it cause I know somebody is bound to follow in my blundering footsteps. The issue is resolved by A: not using an IGS that was designed for ToP II Initially I tried using Wolfens IGS but could only open the interface once, and then i'd constantly receive timeouts and it would seem the tradeserver wasnt loading the data or sending it to the client properly. Then I tried the 2.7 IGS, the interface opened but every item I added could not be purchased and the icon would not appear. B: Using XerosShop downloaded here https://pkodev.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=110 I think wolfens tradeserver is bugged in some way. Just use Xeros tool and save yourself the anguish I put myself through trying to figure this out hahahah.
  3. also if you find success in adding items through your IGM would you kindly share the records in your database of the successfully added item? I believe the records are in the tradedb under dbo.ItemInfo and dbo.StoreInfo Im troubleshooting an issue getting items to appear properly in the IGS. The items will appear but with no icon, wrong price, and time remaining. Let me know if you run into the same issue and I can let you know what i've tried so far to get it to work.
  4. use the release folder, you need to configure database.dat with your login details for your database this is likely along the lines of: sa y87......etc. you also need to set the correct port number to connect with the database at least for IGM, I believe the port number 1433 so your database.dat file should look something like:,1433 sa y87.....
  5. Hey Kyleflow, You can check out these two programs Tradetools.exe and the IGM Manager by Xero Additionally here is an example of values you can pass to tradetools https://i.ibb.co/P50t7dL/infotools-settings.png
  6. If anybody could provide a screenshot of their SQL tradedb with an item added properly in the IGS i can replicate the record manually and see if its an issue with the game or tradeserver itself.
  7. Hello everyone. I managed to get Xeros IGS to work with the 1.36 server + client, I can open and close the window reliably. My current issue is when I try to add an item via tradetools.exe. Everything seems to go just fine and I can see the item into the store. However when I enter the game via the client and open the Item mall, there is no icon, the price is set to 0, and the time remaining is wrong. If I try to purchase the item I get an error message of not enough crystals, even though i've added 100 to my account within the database. Also if i attempt to exchange crystals for points I'm met with 'Gold exchange failed', and the IGS cant seem to detect the mall_points even though the old ROSO website i'm using seems to detect the points just fine. Some screenshots for clarity. tradedb tables as well just in case. and AccountServer tables too
  8. Okay I've solved the issue and managed to open the IGS reliably, the issue was pertaining to Wolfens IGS files. I tried using the 2.7 Shop files from this thread and it launched without a hitch, I can open the IGS reliably now!! Yay! turns out it is compatible with the 1.36 version.
  9. Okay scratch that the timeout issue persists, it seems I can open the item mall. Albeit very unreliably, bummer.
  10. Okay! I've managed to fix it myself so Ithought i'd return to share my fix. The steps i took to fix the issue were to remake the 'pkodev' user, and recreate the tradedb database. I assigned the pkodev user to the read/write and owner schemas. After that I right clicked DESKTOP-XXXXX in the left hand tree of SQL management 2014 and entered properties, and clicked the security tab. From there i enabled the Cross Database ownership chaining as can be seen in the below screenshot.
  11. @V3ct0r I can see the account oskar in the tradedb. I went ahead and tried to open the mall on another non-gm account I have on my server and get the same console output just with the new account name; and can see that the new non-gm account name appears in the tradedb account info table. I get the message in the game notice panel of: item mall timeout, canceled! I can see in the Log 'Net Message" 2022-03-03 00:57:24.861 Answer => OrderID: 1646297844673006. Affiche List. 2022-03-03 00:57:25.157 Request => MSG: 1010, OrderID: 1646297845157007, Section: 1, Client:, Account: oskar1, Request Account. 2022-03-03 01:04:16.536 Request => MSG: 1010, OrderID: 1646298256536009, Section: 1, Client:, Account: oskar, Request Account. running the game with just one GameServer triggers the same issue I also wasnt aware there was a 10 second lockout from the IGS, If i end up remaking the database/user I'll keep that in mind. Also worth mentioning I was running a xampp server with the ROSO template to serve as a registration page, I knew this page made connections to the tradedb so I have disabled the xampp server while trying to troubleshoot just in case that was the cause, however it made no change. Restarting the server executables also doesnt resolve the issue.
  12. also just realised I forgot to tag sorry, can you tell I'm new here? haha @V3ct0r @cpworkerz
  13. this is my current trade config
  14. Sorry for spamming but I thought it'd be helpful to include the SQL user mappings for the tradedb user and an example of one of my gameserver confs.
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