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Showing content with the highest reputation since 11/10/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Hi, I've been working on a tool that can be used to convert .lab animation files to a format that can be used by all modern 3d animation software like Blender. At the moment, the conversion from .lab to .dae (the format I chose, collada) is functional, and I am working on the reverse conversion so your changes to the animation keyframes and joints can be reflected in the game. I've hit a small snag due to my limited understanding of 3d animation and dummy objects which would take some time for me to research and resolve, so if you are versed with these things and would like to contribute, please leave a message here or send me a DM. The tool can be downloaded here: https://github.com/Perseus/lab-parser/releases/tag/0.1.0. The source code (if you're interested) and usage instructions can be found here: https://github.com/Perseus/lab-parser Converted file example:
  2. 1 point
    Tales of Pirates : The Lost Legends Discord : https://discord.com/invite/thelostlegends Site : https://thelostlegends.online/ Server Rates -Exp Solo 2x -Exp Party 10x -Drop 2x -Pet Growth 720x -Exp Ship 150x -Resources Drop 5x - New Mazes - New Bosses - New Quests - New Equipment - New Apparels - Rear Fairy - Mount - Cloak System - Swing - Max Cha Lv: 75 - Max Pet Lv: 50 FORGING LEVELS: The idea of creating a small gap and updating it slowly is to make it more enjoyable. The progress will start medium and each step you take will make the progress a bit faster. We added a system to give a significantly meaning to all unique gems pieces: p.s.: it can be changed according to the server progress (not added yet 1 AZZ = 2 GR8) = 4 UG = 8 CHIP = 16 CRACK = 32 BROK • FIRST 15 DAYS OF SERVER: LV 3 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE • AFTER 15 DAYS: LV 4 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE/GR8 • AFTER 37 DAYS: LV 5 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE/GR8/AZZ • AFTER 65 DAYS: LV 6 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE/GR8/AZZ/CLOAK • AFTER 110 DAYS: LV 7 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE/GR8/AZZ/CLOAK/RING/NECK • AFTER 180 DAYS: LV 8 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE/GR8/AZZ/CLOAK/RING/NECK • AFTER 300 DAYS: LV 9 NORMAL/BROK/CRACK/CHIP/UG/BD/ADV/JADE/GR8/AZZ/CLOAK/RING/NECK LEVELING PHASES: The idea of Level here is not to make you spend many hours leveling, but as a MMO, the idea of a constant progress makes it more enjoyable, so we decided to cap the levels based on the server evolution. The rates are customs, we are organizing the leveling in order to make each one of the brackets lasts around 3h: p.s.: it can be changed according to the server progress •FIRST 7 DAYS OF SERVER: LV 85 •AFTER 7 DAYS: LV 100 •AFTER 30 DAYS: LV 115 •AFTER 45 DAYS: LV 125 •AFTER 60 DAYS: LV 130 MAZES ON EARLY GAME: --CHAOS ARGENT TIMES : 00:00 AM//04:00 AM//08:00 AM//12:00PM//16:00PM//20:00PM --FORSAKEN CITY TIMES : SHAITAN HARBOR (823,3693) 02:00 AM//05:00 AM//08:00AM//11:00AM//14:00PM//17:00PM//20:00PM//23:00PM --DARK SWAMP TIMES SHAITAN HARBOR (823,3693) 01:00AM//04:00 AM//07:00 AM//10:00AM//13:00PM//16:00PM//19:00PM//22:00PM --DEMONIC WORLD SACRED SNOW MOUNTAIN (913,1072) 01:00 AM//05:00 AM//09:00AM//13:00PM//17:00PM//21:00PM --CHAOS ICICLE TIMES : 10:00AM//22:00PM// NOTE : Ahoy Pirates! [ENG] First of all, we are extremely happy to have you around! At this early stage we are still customizing and fixing everything in order to promote a better experience to you. We are planning to run a 3-4 days of Open-Beta starting on December 9th to make sure the server is balanced and enjoyable. The launch-date is promised to be until December 20th, but we are working continuously to make it to December 14th. We will keep our progress updated, stay tuned. [PT] Primeiro de tudo, estamos extremamente contentes em ter você por perto! Nesse estágio inicial, ainda estamos customizando e consertando tudo pra promover uma melhor experiência à você. Estamos planejando rodar um Open-Beta por 3-4 dias, começando no dia 9 de Dezembro pra ter certeza que o servidor está balanceado e agradável. A data de lançamento está prometida de ser até o dia 20 de Dezembro, mas estamos trabalhando continuamente pra fazer com que ocorra no dia 14 de Dezembro. Manteremos nosso progresso atualizado, fique atento.
  3. 1 point
    Добрый день, нужны 5-10 человек для закрытого тесте сервера, на время теста - на сети хамачи, без автореги. Сервер полу-фан, версию - понятия не имею. Делалось все для себя, если тестерам зайдет, поставлю на отдельный сервер без хамачи и с авторегой. Кач х15 соло=отряд( можно качаться на стори квесте, квест новичка позволяет прокачаться до 10го и получить пару плюх) Дроп х 20 Шмот - из сундука новичка - честы на 30, потом на 50. С мини боссов кабана и контрабандиста - 45 ансы, 55 ансы - сет 5 келей, 65 -25 келей. БС - тело ДВ2 босс, уникальные кольца и бижа - ДВ1/2 Босс, БС руки/ноги меняются на морфы с босса или выбиваются из ДС, в котором изменены мобы. Сами ансы изменены в более сильную сторону. В аббадоне 4 босс, с которого падает алтарь БД. Гемы - +5,+6 падают из чество в хс и снв, Азики - БД волна хс, снв и честы в ФС3 и ДС2-3. Голд - пачкули, чертежи, стори квест, мобы с распиской на миллион на острове зефира, так же с этих мобов - свиток баффа и некоторый кук. Так же можно продать мф, печатки. Профа - нпс. Базовые вещи из ИМ - Кузнец и НПС рядом. РБ - Босс ДС3 - с него 2 карты РБ. https://discord.gg/MZmMKDbn
  4. 1 point
    Hey! No sorry, I haven't worked on this for a while now. If I remember correctly, I was having trouble maintaining some arbitrary metadata the LAB includes (I think dummies and some other data) when converting to .dae and importing to blender. I don't remember if Blender was getting rid of it while importing or while exporting the edited file, but since data was lost I wasn't able to successfully convert it back into .lab Happy to take PRs/contributions which can work around this, but I'm hard pressed to find time to work on it again right now
  5. 1 point
    Hey, I read .obj and .map files
  6. 1 point
    More than likely a feature used on servers before, but more prominent on "Corsairs Online". Like the jewels used to make an equipment have an offensive or defensive version.
  7. 1 point
    This may be useful since it is an abandoned project and creates what you are looking for https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OIv4MwBqelST_tgwAwAF-neut_T91S0Z/view?usp=drive_link
  8. 1 point
    Возможно используется TLS от cloudflare.. Через vpn заходит.
  9. 1 point
    Hey. @Perseushas previously released a tool that you can use: I haven't tested but it looks promising. You should be able to import .dae into blender and export as .fbx
  10. 1 point
    check the UI files from client script/lua/from and texture/ui check forms and img ui
  11. 1 point
    -- Chalice of Resurrection local map_ResList = { "garner", "garner2", "darkblue", "darkswamp", "bountypk", "eastgoaf", "abandonedcity", "abandonedcity2", "abandonedcity3", "puzzleworld", "puzzleworld2", "hell", "hell2", "hell3", "hell4", "hell5", "magicsea" } local playerCurrentMap = GetChaMapName(role) for _, value in pairs(map_ResList) do if value == playerCurrentMap then -- Check if the player has the "Chalice of Resurrection" item (ID 7437) local Item_Revive = CheckBagItem(role, 7437) if Item_Revive > 0 then -- If the player has the item if IsChaLiving(role) ~= 1 then -- Check if the player is dead SetRelive(role, role, 1, "Hey! Do you wish to be revived?") -- Revive the player TakeItem(role, 0, 7437, 1) -- Remove one Chalice of Resurrection item -- Full Heal: Restore player's health and spirit to maximum local mxhp = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_MXHP) -- Get max health local mxsp = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_MXSP) -- Get max spirit SetCharaAttr(role, ATTR_HP, mxhp) -- Set health to max SetCharaAttr(role, ATTR_SP, mxsp) -- Set spirit to max -- Refresh the player's stats RefreshCha(role) end end end end
  12. 1 point
    Hi All! I've been quite busy with work, so haven't had a chance to do much work on the project. However, as we are approaching winter, work has been more quiet and so I started working on the project again! I added chat bubble, game chat and reworked terrain generation to be able to utilise &move command to move around the maps and dynamically generate the chunks. Loading of the chunks is somehow clunky and I need to somehow set flags to not move the character until the chunks are preloaded but so far I'm happy with the progress also, just realised the attached video is quite rough, in game it runs super smoothly on 200+ FPS at the moment (with occasional drops as I'm not fussed about FPS optimisation at this point)
  13. 1 point
    Не рекомендую данный сервер, администратор лишь обещает и кормит игроков завтраками.
  14. 1 point
    o.o should be , used same src 6months ago with the shared exe and works fine there is bugs but yea fixed most of them so if you are looking to some hints you going look to these bugs #1- Guild exp and states on disband function do not reset in group server , which is when create new guild will take old points of the disbanded guild #2- Disband guild & recreate crash the client > related to first bug, and need a fix of client part.. guild section forms #3- create guild crash client > rebuild refresh mindpower #4-Movement bug states on stun/freeze if player moving #5- some gui bugs above gmnotice in windows/full screen > adjust screen space box for gmnotice< #6-hair npcs & exchanger npc the hover items crash the client >>missing reset the bool on false switch #7-flood buttons/exp/guild color/ addexpguild . spamming sql while many players doing /killing monsters or quests > fix inside groupserver cooldown can fix it smoothly #8- switch item flood crashes all people clients on the range example can be fixed with small cooldown >gameserver or client< #9 register function inside client can be flooded with small bot to fill your database >> small captcha will fix it #10 switch items with 1 slot delete the switched items the fix do not allow the switch with 1 slot only make it 3 or 5 #11- extract gems dupe if had high level inside the item , with > 1 of level gem lv1 this some bugs can be a good hit to start lol but people prefer to spam/do not read
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