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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Look for the file UIMemo.cpp for the line that contains void CMemo::Render() { int i = 0; int offset = 21; for( i =_nFirst ;i<_nLast; i++ ) { if(i >=_nRowInfo[0][0] &&i<= _nRowInfo[0][1]) { CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( (char*)_str.c_str(), GetX() +_nLeftMargin , GetY()+ _nTopMargin + _nRowHeight * (i- _nFirst ) ,0xFF000000 );// 0xFFFFFFFF ); } else if(i >=_nRowInfo[1][0] &&i<= _nRowInfo[1][1]) { if ( i == _nSelectMis + _nRowInfo[1][0]) { int nPosX = GetX() +_nLeftMargin + offset; int nPosY = GetY()+ _nTopMargin + _nRowHeight * (i - _nFirst ); if (_files[i-_nRowInfo[1][0]].pGraph && _str.length() > 0) _files[i-_nRowInfo[1][0]].pGraph->Render( nPosX ,nPosY - 3 ); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( (char*)_str.c_str(), nPosX + offset, nPosY, 0xFFff70fd ); // fix quest gui text } else { int nPosX = GetX() +_nLeftMargin + offset; int nPosY = GetY()+ _nTopMargin + _nRowHeight * (i - _nFirst ); if (_files[i-_nRowInfo[1][0]].pGraph && _str.length() > 0) _files[i-_nRowInfo[1][0]].pGraph->Render( nPosX, nPosY - 2 ); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( (char*)_str.c_str(), nPosX + offset, nPosY + 1, 0xFFff00fb );//Zizo Ref } } if(i >=_nRowInfo[2][0] &&i<= _nRowInfo[2][1]) { if ( i == _nSelectItem + _nRowInfo[2][0]) { int nPosX = GetX() +_nLeftMargin; int nPosY = GetY()+ _nTopMargin + _nRowHeight * (i- _nFirst ); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( (char*)_str.c_str(), nPosX + 24, nPosY, 0xFF0000FF ); } else { int nPosX = GetX() +_nLeftMargin; int nPosY = GetY()+ _nTopMargin + _nRowHeight * (i- _nFirst ); CGuiFont::s_Font.Render( (char*)_str.c_str(), nPosX + 24, nPosY + 1, 0xFF0000aF ); } } } if( _pScroll->GetIsShow() ) _pScroll->Render(); }
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