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  1. 1 point
    this is loaded inside birth_config.lua: CTF.CreateSpawn() this is loaded from Configuration.lua inside map folder CTF.Conf.MapName = "Capture The Flag" -- This is the overall map name, also displayed in notices/messages. CTF.Conf.NumMapCopy = 1 -- Number of map copies available, you must either edit ctrl.lua (v1.X) or MapCopyNum.txt (v2.X) to the same number. CTF.Conf.NumPlayer = 2 -- Number of players needed in lobby to start battle (by default: 50). CTF.Conf.MinLv = 45 -- Set a minimum level to be able to register. CTF.Conf.MaxLv = 100 -- Set a maximum level to be able to register. CTF.Conf.ServerLv = 100 -- Set the max level available in server, this is needed for EXP rewards. CTF.Conf.ServerVersion = 1 -- This is your server's version (v1.X = 1, v2.X = 2). If your server is v1.x and you put 1, it will automatically create the copies. If your server version is v2.x, put 2 and you have to manually adjust MapCopyNum.txt. CTF.Conf.MapType = 17 -- This is your map type, it should be different from any other maps you may have, be sure to check your maps or "is_friend" function to avoid duplicates. CTF.Conf.Flag = {ID = 75, Pos_X = 150, Pos_Y = 150, State = 199} CTF.Conf.FlagZone[1] = {245, 53} -- Coordinates of green team flag zone. CTF.Conf.FlagZone[2] = {48, 246} -- Coordinates of red team flag zone. CTF.Conf.ScorePlayer = 1 -- Amount of points team will get after killing a enemy (by default: 1). CTF.Conf.ChanceScore = .25 -- Percentage to player get points after killing a enemy (by default: 25%). CTF.Conf.ScoreBase = 1 -- Amount of points team will get after carries the flag to theirs base. CTF.Conf.ScoreEnemy = 2 -- Amount of points team will get after carries the flag to enemy base. CTF.Conf.ScoreLimit = 5 -- Minimum points the team needs to win battle (by default: 100). CTF.Conf.Time.Lobby = 300 -- Overall time to battle start if minimum player number in lobby did not reached (by default : 5 min). CTF.Conf.Time.Attempt = 120 -- Time in seconds that player have to return match if DC (by default: 2 min). CTF.Conf.Time.Map = 1200 -- Overall time duration of the battle (by default: 20 min). CTF.Conf.Time.Refresh = 180 -- Time (in seconds) to announce round and team score in system (by default: 3 min). CTF.Conf.Time.Close = 20 -- Time (in seconds) to close map when battle ends (by default: 20 sec). CTF.Conf.Time.StartShow = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,30,45,60,120,180,240,280} CTF.Conf.OpenDay = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6} -- Set the days available to register for CTF (by default: all day). CTF.Conf.OpenHour = {16,17} -- Set the hours available to register for CTF (by default: 17:00). CTF.Conf.CloseMin = 37 -- That minute which where registration will be available, after that it will be closed. -- Balance for classes in map (Gems and equipment will make no difference). CTF.Conf.Balance[8] = {Max = {HP = 5570, SP = 155}, Attack = {Min = 332, Max = 428, Speed = 72}, Defense = 292, PhysicalResist = 28, HitRate = 146, Dodge = 142, Critical = 15, Recovery = {HP = 56, SP = 2}, MoveSpeed = 480} CTF.Conf.Balance[9] = {Max = {HP = 2858, SP = 155}, Attack = {Min = 352, Max = 387, Speed = 100}, Defense = 125, PhysicalResist = 25, HitRate = 151, Dodge = 181, Critical = 15, Recovery = {HP = 31, SP = 3}, MoveSpeed = 480} CTF.Conf.Balance[12] = {Max = {HP = 2811, SP = 155}, Attack = {Min = 398, Max = 525, Speed = 100}, Defense = 105, PhysicalResist = 25, HitRate = 185, Dodge = 161, Critical = 15, Recovery = {HP = 34, SP = 1}, MoveSpeed = 480} CTF.Conf.Balance[13] = {Max = {HP = 2953, SP = 1700}, Attack = {Min = 168, Max = 234, Speed = 72}, Defense = 118, PhysicalResist = 24, HitRate = 154, Dodge = 148, Critical = 15, Recovery = {HP = 42, SP = 19}, MoveSpeed = 480} CTF.Conf.Balance[14] = {Max = {HP = 3652, SP = 1341}, Attack = {Min = 168, Max = 234, Speed = 72}, Defense = 137, PhysicalResist = 24, HitRate = 154, Dodge = 147, Critical = 15, Recovery = {HP = 55, SP = 15}, MoveSpeed = 480} CTF.Conf.Balance[16] = {Max = {HP = 3707, SP = 1307}, Attack = {Min = 162, Max = 215, Speed = 77}, Defense = 139, PhysicalResist = 24, HitRate = 146, Dodge = 147, Critical = 15, Recovery = {HP = 52, SP = 16}, MoveSpeed = 480} -- This are the rewards given at the end of the match to the green team -- If values are set to "0", if will not prompt to give out that reward, including items. -- For "EXP", it's in percentage of player's current level. CTF.Rewards.Reputation = 0 CTF.Rewards.Gold = 20000 CTF.Rewards.Honor = 0 CTF.Rewards.EXP = 0 CTF.Rewards.Items[1] = {ID = 5707, Quantity = 1, Quality = 4} -- The Universe Purse CTF.Rewards.Items[2] = {ID = 0938, Quantity = 1, Quality = 4} -- Goddess's Favor CTF.Rewards.Items[3] = {ID = 3095, Quantity = 1, Quality = 4} -- Hi-Amplifier of Strive CTF.Rewards.Items[4] = {ID = 3097, Quantity = 1, Quality = 4} -- Hi-Amplifier of Luck CTF.Rewards.Items[5] = {ID = 0854, Quantity = 1, Quality = 4} -- Million Dollar Note CTF.Rewards.Items[6] = {ID = 5750, Quantity = 1, Quality = 101} -- Yellow Jade CTF.Rewards.Items[7] = {ID = 5751, Quantity = 1, Quality = 101} -- Red Jade CTF.Rewards.Items[8] = {ID = 5752, Quantity = 1, Quality = 101} -- Green Jade -- You can edit this if you are using a different map than the one that came with the files and modify the coordinates if you want different spawns. -- This also affects in the code if you aren't using the random spawn function. CTF.Spawns[1] = {Name = CTF.Conf.MapName, Map = "ctf", Spawn = "CTF Red Team", X = 43, Y = 243} CTF.Spawns[2] = {Name = CTF.Conf.MapName, Map = "ctf", Spawn = "CTF Green Team", X = 241, Y = 44} and this is function.lua which is inside map folder: -- DO NOT EDIT THIS, PERIOD. if CTF == nil then CTF = {} CTF.Conf = {} CTF.Conf.Time = {} CTF.Conf.FlagZone = {} CTF.Conf.Balance = {} CTF.Spawns = {} CTF.Rewards = {} CTF.Rewards.Items = {} end -- Calling those customizable variables. dofile(GetResPath("ctf/Configuration.lua")) function CTF.Init() CTF.Members = {} CTF.Flag = {} CTF.EnterLobby = {} -- Stores the data to players if they entered the Lobby. CTF.LeaveTime = {} -- Stores the time players have to enter map again after leave the battle. CTF.Lobby_Tick = CTF.Conf.Time.Lobby -- Lobby wait time before battle start if minimum player not reached. CTF.LobbyOpened = false -- Declares if the lobby is opened or not. CTF.MapOpened = false -- Declares if the battle has started or not. end CTF.Init() --[[ -- Required functions. function GetChaRespawnPoint(Player) local ret = "" if GetChaMapName(Player) == "CTF" then local SideID = GetChaSideID(Player) if (SideID == 1) then ret = CTF.Spawns[2].Spawn -- I'd assume that those are defined in your current lua file which lead to similiar declarations in your birth_conf.lua else ret = CTF.Spawns[1].Spawn end return ret end end ]] --Required functions. function GetChaRespawnPoint(role) local map_name = GetChaMapName(role) if (map_name == "ctf") then local side_id = GetChaSideID(role) if (side_id == 1) then return "CTF Red Team" elseif (side_id == 2) then return "CTF Green Team" end end return "" end AdjustTextSpace = AdjustTextSpace or function(Text, Spaces, End) local Count = math.floor((Spaces - string.len(Text)) * 0.5) local Message = "" for C = 1, Count, 1 do Message = Message.." " end Message = Message..Text Count = math.floor(Spaces - string.len(Message)) for C = 1, Count, 1 do Message = Message.." " end if End ~= nil then Message = Message..End end return Message end function StartPlayerCTF(Player) local TeamID = 0 local PID = GetPlayerID(GetChaPlayer(Player)) if (CTF.Players[PID] == nil) then if (CTF.GreenTeam.Counter == CTF.RedTeam.Counter) then TeamID = math.random(1,2) else if (CTF.GreenTeam.Counter > CTF.RedTeam.Counter) then TeamID = 1 else TeamID = 2 end end CTF.Players[PID] = { cha = Player, side_id = TeamID, entered = LUA_FALSE } else CTF.Players[PID].cha = Player CTF.Players[PID].side_id = CTF.Players[PID].side_id CTF.Players[PID].entered = LUA_FALSE TeamID = CTF.Players[PID].side_id end if (TeamID == 1) then CTF.RedTeam.Counter = CTF.RedTeam.Counter + 1 MoveCity(Player, CTF.Spawns[TeamID].Spawn) else CTF.GreenTeam.Counter = CTF.GreenTeam.Counter + 1 MoveCity(Player, CTF.Spawns[TeamID].Spawn) end end -- Carry the flag to enemy team function CarryTheFlag(Player) local MapCopy = GetChaMapCopy(Player) local PID = GetRoleID(Player) local Name = GetChaDefaultName(Player) local side_id = GetChaSideID(Player) local x,y = GetChaPos(Player) x = math.floor(x/100) y = math.floor(y/100) local red_base = 4 * math.abs(x - CTF.Conf.FlagZone[2][1]) + 4 * math.abs(y - CTF.Conf.FlagZone[2][2]) local green_base = 4 * math.abs(x - CTF.Conf.FlagZone[1][1]) + 4 * math.abs(y - CTF.Conf.FlagZone[1][2]) if (red_base <= 12) then if (side_id == 1) then CTF.Flag_ChaID = 0 CTF.GreenTeam.Score = CTF.GreenTeam.Score + CTF.Conf.ScoreEnemy RemoveState(Player, CTF.Conf.Flag.State) MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..Name..", from the Green Team succesfully carried the flag to Red Team Base and gets +"..CTF.Conf.ScoreEnemy.." points!") end end if (green_base <= 12) then if (side_id == 2) then CTF.Flag_ChaID = 0 CTF.RedTeam.Score = CTF.RedTeam.Score + CTF.Conf.ScoreEnemy RemoveState(Player, CTF.Conf.Flag.State) MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..Name..", from the Red Team succesfully carried the flag to Green Team Base and gets +"..CTF.Conf.ScoreEnemy.." point!") end end --[[if (red_base <= 12 or green_base <= 12) then CTF.Flag_ChaID = 0 RemoveState(Player, CTF.Conf.Flag.State) end--]] end -- Calculating custom balance for classes in map. CTF.MapBalance = function(Player) if (GetChaMapName(Player) == "ctf") then local Job = GetChaAttr(Player, ATTR_JOB) if (CTF.Conf.Balance[Job] ~= nil) then local mf_final = Mf_final(Player) local crt_final = Crt_final(Player) local hrec_final = Hrec_final(Player) local srec_final = Srec_final(Player) local adis_final = Adis_final(Player) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Max.HP, Player, ATTR_MXHP) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Max.SP, Player, ATTR_MXSP) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Attack.Min, Player, ATTR_MNATK) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Attack.Max, Player, ATTR_MXATK) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Defense, Player, ATTR_DEF) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].PhysicalResist, Player, ATTR_PDEF) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].HitRate, Player, ATTR_HIT) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Dodge, Player, ATTR_FLEE) SetCharaAttr(mf_final, Player, ATTR_MF) SetCharaAttr(crt_final, Player, ATTR_CRT) SetCharaAttr(hrec_final, Player, ATTR_HREC) SetCharaAttr(srec_final, Player, ATTR_SREC) SetCharaAttr(adis_final, Player, ATTR_ADIS) SetCharaAttr(CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].MoveSpeed, Player, ATTR_MSPD) SetCharaAttr(100000/CTF.Conf.Balance[Job].Attack.Speed, Player, ATTR_ASPD) end end end -- Checking if the player team is equal the function argument. CTF.CheckChaSide = function(Player, SideID) if (GetChaSideID(TurnToCha(Player)) == SideID) then return LUA_TRUE end return LUA_FALSE end -- Checking team score in map. CTF.DisplayInfo = function(Player) local Message = "" Message = AdjustTextSpace(">> Capture The Flag <<", 42, "_") Message = Message..AdjustTextSpace("Red Team Score: ", 16)..AdjustTextSpace(CTF.RedTeam.Score, 20, "_") Message = Message..AdjustTextSpace("Green Team Score: ", 16)..AdjustTextSpace(CTF.GreenTeam.Score, 16, "_") Message = Message..AdjustTextSpace("Battle ends in: ", 16)..AdjustTextSpace(toclock(CTF.BattleTime), 21, "_") HelpInfoX(Player, 0, Message) return LUA_TRUE end -- Call that on "is_friend" at functions.lua CTF.Friendly = function(ATKER, DEFER) local ATKER_Team = GetChaSideID(ATKER) local DEFER_Team = GetChaSideID(DEFER) if ATKER_Team == DEFER_Team then return 1 else return 0 end end -- Call that on "birth.lua" CTF.CreateSpawn = function() for a = 1, (table.getn(CTF.Spawns)), 1 do AddBirthPoint(CTF.Spawns[a].Name, CTF.Spawns[a].Map, CTF.Spawns[a].X, CTF.Spawns[a].Y) AddBirthPoint(CTF.Spawns[a].Spawn, CTF.Spawns[a].Map, CTF.Spawns[a].X, CTF.Spawns[a].Y) end end CTF.StartMap = function() CTF.Players = {} -- Stores the data for players in battle. CTF.GreenTeam = {} -- Stores the data for the Green Team. CTF.RedTeam = {} -- Stores the data for the Red Team. CTF.GreenTeam.Counter = 0 -- Stores the number of players in Green Team. CTF.RedTeam.Counter = 0 -- Stores the number of players in Red Team. CTF.GreenTeam.Score = 0 -- Stores the score of the Red Team. CTF.RedTeam.Score = 0 -- Stores the score of the Green Team. CTF.BattleTime = CTF.Conf.Time.Map -- Stores the time of whole battle duration. CTF.MapOpened = true -- Starts the battle. CTF.LobbyOpened = false -- Closes the lobby. CTF.WinnerTeam = nil -- Declares the team winner of battle. CTF.Flag_ChaID = 0 -- Declares the player who carries the flag. CTF.Flag_Spawned = 0 -- Declares if the flag has been spawned. CTF.MapShutdown = CTF.Conf.Time.Close end function CTF.PKM(Mob, Player) local MobMap = GetChaMapName(Mob) local MapName = GetChaMapName(Player) local ChaName = GetChaDefaultName(Player) local ChaID = GetRoleID(Player) if (MapName == "ctf" and MobMap == "ctf") then local MobID = GetChaTypeID(Mob) if (MobID == CTF.Conf.Flag.ID) then local SideID = GetChaSideID(Player) local MapCopy = GetChaMapCopy(Player) local x,y = GetChaPos(Player) x = math.floor(x/100) y = math.floor(y/100) if (SideID == 2) then MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..ChaName..", from the Red Team captured the Flag at ("..x..","..y..")!") else MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..ChaName..", from the Green Team captured the Flag at ("..x..","..y..")!") end CTF.Flag_ChaID = ChaID CTF.Flag_Spawned = 0 AddState(Player, Player, CTF.Conf.Flag.State, 1, 86400) end end end function CTF.PKP(ATKER, DEFER) local MapName_ATKER = GetChaMapName(ATKER) local MapName_DEFER = GetChaMapName(DEFER) if (MapName_ATKER == "ctf" and MapName_DEFER == "ctf") then local MapCopy = GetChaMapCopy(ATKER) local Name_ATKER = GetChaDefaultName(ATKER) local Name_DEFER = GetChaDefaultName(DEFER) local Side_ATKER = GetChaSideID(ATKER) local Side_DEFER = GetChaSideID(DEFER) local ChaID_ATKER = GetRoleID(ATKER) local ChaID_DEFER = GetRoleID(DEFER) if (Side_ATKER == 1) then Name_ATKER = Name_ATKER.." from the Green Team" -- Calculating the chance to grant points after kill enemy player if (Percentage_Random(CTF.Conf.ChanceScore) == 1) then CTF.GreenTeam.Score = CTF.Conf.ScorePlayer BickerNotice(ATKER, "Red Team enemy killed, your team gets +"..CTF.Conf.ScorePlayer.." point!") end else Name_ATKER = Name_ATKER.." from the Red Team" -- Calculating the chance to grant points after kill enemy player if (Percentage_Random(CTF.Conf.ChanceScore) == 1) then CTF.RedTeam.Score = CTF.Conf.ScorePlayer BickerNotice(ATKER, "Green Team enemy killed, your team gets +"..CTF.Conf.ScorePlayer.." point!") end end if (Side_DEFER == 1) then Name_DEFER = Name_DEFER.." from the Green Team" else Name_DEFER = Name_DEFER.." from the Red Team" end Notice("["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..Name_DEFER.." #03 was defeated by "..Name_ATKER.." #14 !") if (ChaID_DEFER == CTF.Flag_ChaID) then local x,y = GetChaPos(ATKER) x = math.floor(x/100) y = math.floor(y/100) if (Side_ATKER == 2) then MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..Name_ATKER.." captured the Flag at ("..x..", "..y..")!") else MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: "..Name_ATKER.." captured the Flag at ("..x..", "..y..")!") end CTF.Flag_ChaID = ChaID_ATKER RemoveState(DEFER, CTF.Conf.Flag.State) AddState(ATKER, ATKER, CTF.Conf.Flag.State, 1, 86400) end end end CTF.GiveRewards = function(Player, Reward) if Reward.Gold > 0 then AddMoney(Player, 0, Reward.Gold) end if Reward.Reputation > 0 then AddCreditX(Player, 0, Reward.Reputation) end if Reward.Honor > 0 and CheckBagItem(Player, 3849) == 1 then local Medal = GetChaItem2(Player, 2, 3849) local Honor = Reward.Honor + GetItemAttr(Medal, ITEMATTR_VAL_STR) SetItemAttr(Medal, ITEMATTR_VAL_STR, Honor) end if Reward.Items ~= nil then if GetChaFreeBagGridNum(Player) > 0 then local ItemID = Reward.Items[math.random(1,table.getn(Reward.Items))].ID local Quantity = Reward.Items[math.random(1,table.getn(Reward.Items))].Quantity local Quality = Reward.Items[math.random(1,table.getn(Reward.Items))].Quality GiveItem(Player, 0, ItemID, Quantity, Quality) BickerNotice(Player, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Your team wins! Received x"..Quantity.." "..GetItemName(ItemID)..".") else GiveItemX(Player, 0, ItemID, Quantity, Quality) BickerNotice(Player, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Your team wins! Received x"..Quantity.." "..GetItemName(ItemID)..".") end end local Level = Lv(Player) if Reward.EXP > 0 and Level < CTF.Conf.ServerLv then local CurrentEXP = GetChaAttr(Player, ATTR_CEXP) + ((DEXP[Level+1] - DEXP[Level]) * (Reward.EXP/100)) SetChaAttrI(Player, ATTR_CEXP, CurrentEXP) end end CTF.Finish = function(MapCopy) if CTF.MapShutdown > 0 then for i = 1, table.getn(CTF.Conf.Time.StartShow) do if CTF.MapShutdown == CTF.Conf.Time.StartShow[i] then MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Battle has come to an end! All players will leave in "..CTF.MapShutdown.." seconds!") end end CTF.MapShutdown = CTF.MapShutdown - 1 if CTF.MapShutdown == 0 then if CTF.GreenTeam.Score > CTF.RedTeam.Score then CTF.WinnerTeam = 1 MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: The Green Team wins the battle with ("..CTF.GreenTeam.Score.."/"..CTF.Conf.ScoreLimit..") points!") GMNotice("["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: The Green Team wins the battle with ("..CTF.GreenTeam.Score.."/"..CTF.Conf.ScoreLimit..") points!") elseif CTF.RedTeam.Score > CTF.GreenTeam.Score then CTF.WinnerTeam = 2 MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: The Red Team wins the battle with ("..CTF.RedTeam.Score.."/"..CTF.Conf.ScoreLimit..") points!") GMNotice("["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: The Red Team wins the battle with ("..CTF.RedTeam.Score.."/"..CTF.Conf.ScoreLimit..") points!") else MapCopyNotice(MapCopy, "["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: It seems there was no winners at this match!") GMNotice("["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: It seems there was no winners at this match!") end local PlayerNum = GetMapCopyPlayerNum(MapCopy) BeginGetMapCopyPlayerCha(MapCopy) for i = 1, PlayerNum, 1 do local Player = GetMapCopyNextPlayerCha(MapCopy) if (ValidCha(Player) == 1) then local SideID = GetChaSideID(Player) if CTF.WinnerTeam ~= nil and SideID == CTF.WinnerTeam then CTF.GiveRewards(Player, CTF.Rewards) end end end DealAllActivePlayerInMap(MapCopy, "TakeOutSideCTF") CTF.Init() -- Reloads the map variables. ClearAllSubMapMonster(MapCopy) CloseMapCopy("ctf") return end end end TakeOutSideCTF = function(Player) MoveCity(Player, "") end CTF.OpenDay = function() local RegOpen = {Day = {}, Hour = {}} for i,v in pairs(CTF.Conf.OpenDay) do RegOpen.Day[v] = true end if (RegOpen.Day[tonumber(os.date("%w"))] == true) then return 1 end return 0 end CTF.OpenHour = function() local RegOpen = {Day = {}, Hour = {}} for i,v in pairs(CTF.Conf.OpenHour) do RegOpen.Hour[v] = true end if (RegOpen.Hour[tonumber(os.date("%H"))] == true) then return 1 end return 0 end CTF.Register = function(Player) local Minute = tonumber(os.date("%M")) local PID = GetRoleID(Player) local OsTime = os.time() local Attempt = CTF.LeaveTime[PID] if GetChaAttr(Player, ATTR_JOB) < 8 then BickerNotice(Player, "Only characters that have done 2nd class advancement can participate!") return end if CTF.OpenDay() == 0 then BickerNotice(Player, "Registering for "..CTF.Conf.MapName.." is unavailable today, please come back again tommorow.") return end if CTF.OpenHour() == 0 and Minute > CTF.Conf.CloseMin then BickerNotice(Player, "Registering for "..CTF.Conf.MapName.." is unavailable at this hour, please come back later.") return end -- Not registered and battle arealdy started. if CTF.Members[PID] == nil and CTF.MapOpened == true then BickerNotice(Player, "You can't participate, the battle arealdy started!") return end -- Registered, battle started and didn't DC on map. if CTF.Members[PID] ~= nil and CTF.Members[PID].lobby == 1 and CTF.MapOpened == true and Attempt == nil then StartPlayerCTF(Player) return end -- Registered, battle started and disconnect attempt time didn't gone. if CTF.Members[PID] ~= nil and CTF.Members[PID].lobby == 1 and CTF.MapOpened == true and Attempt ~= nil and OsTime < Attempt then StartPlayerCTF(Player) return end -- Registered, battle started and disconnect attempt time gone. if CTF.Members[PID] ~= nil and CTF.Members[PID].lobby == 1 and CTF.MapOpened == true and Attempt ~= nil and OsTime >= Attempt then BickerNotice(Player, "You can't participate anymore, your attempt time has gone!") return end if IsInTeam(Player) == 1 then BickerNotice(Player, "You're inside a party. Cannot register!") return end if CTF.Conf.MinLv > GetChaAttr(Player, ATTR_LV) or (CTF.Conf.MaxLv ~= 0 and CTF.Conf.MaxLv < GetChaAttr(Player, ATTR_LV)) then BickerNotice(Player, "You can't participate, only players between levels "..CTF.Conf.MinLv.." through "..CTF.Conf.MaxLv.." can participate.") return end CTF.Members[PID] = {role = Player, lobby = 1} MoveCity(Player, "Arena Island") end function CTF.Timer(Player, Tick) local Hour,Minute,Second = tonumber(os.date("%H")),tonumber(os.date("%M")),tonumber(os.date("%S")) local Message = "" for i,v in pairs(CTF.Conf.OpenHour) do if Hour == v and Minute < CTF.Conf.CloseMin then if (CTF.LobbyOpened == false) then CTF.LobbyOpened = true end end if Hour == v and Minute == 00 and Second == 05 then if (CTF.LobbyOpened == true) then Message = Message.."["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Registration is now Open!" Message = Message.." Go to CTF Waiting Room - (2217,2792) Argent City." Message = Message.." You have 5 minute(s) to register for battle.." ScrollNotice(Message, 1) end end if Hour == v and Minute == 02 and Second == 05 then if (CTF.LobbyOpened == true) then Message = Message.."["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Registration is now Open!" Message = Message.." Go to CTF Waiting Room - (2217,2792) Argent City." Message = Message.." You have 3 minute(s) to register for battle.." ScrollNotice(Message, 1) end end if Hour == v and Minute == 04 and Second == 05 then if (CTF.LobbyOpened == true) then Message = Message.."["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Registration is now Open!" Message = Message.." Go to CTF Waiting Room - (2217,2792) Argent City." Message = Message.." You have 1 minute(s) to register for battle.." ScrollNotice(Message, 1) end end if Hour == v and Minute == CTF.Conf.CloseMin and Second == 00 then if (CTF.LobbyOpened == true) then CTF.LobbyOpened = false CTF.StartMap() GMNotice("["..CTF.Conf.MapName.."]: Map started! Red Team Versus Green Team. The team that get 100 point(s) first wins! Teams can get point(s) killing enemies (25% chance) or carry the Flag to Flag Pointer. After the team carries the flag to flag pointer, the flag holder will appear in the middle of the capture the flag. ***** If you are using Skill Tweak you can not see Flag Monster.") for i,v in pairs(CTF.Members) do if (GetChaMapName(v.role) == "pkmap") then StartPlayerCTF(v.role) end end end end end end function State_None_Add(role, statelv) end function State_None_Rem(role, statelv) end
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    You can first start, by searching the forums; there are a lot of useful guides on how to get started, just takes time reading if you are starting out. https://pkodev.net/forum/13-guides/
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