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Log Tracking

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This thread post will be used to indicate logs that have weird Chinese alias such as for example:


JingLian_ShiBai which correlates to Forging

Now in logs you will see if you have "LG" it will generate a file called JingLian_ShiBai.log when you open it, you will see something perhaps that indicates that a player has forged such gems on items but you have no information on what was used nor what gem level etc.


Upon playing around, I have made my own I guess you could say, translated to English and more comprehensive/ easier to read.






What is the use of this?

For example, if the server disconnects or crashes, or rolls back, this is able to help you find if a player is lying about what + or what gem was forged in their equipment.


Changed Log name from

JingLian_ShiBai.log -> Forging.log

Before  <- Showed only Player Name, Item ID, success forge

Now -> Shows Player Name, Shows the Level/Name of "Gem" used, Shows the Level/Name of "Refining Gem",  Shows ItemID/Name and Shows the final + Item has become.











Inspiration: I played a few games where they announced to the whole server of what a player has enchanted etc, so I brought it to TOP ;)

Note: This is currently using GMNotice, if you do not have it or you do not want it to announce to the whole server of what a player has forge, you can just Comment it out.



Go to forge.lua

Find the function - function begin_forge_item(...)


Replace or add whatever you want from this


--    Notice("Forging completed")
    local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role )
    local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian )
    LG( "JingLian_ShiBai" , "Player"..cha_name.."Forging successful"..Item_Jinglian_name )


--	Notice("Forging completed")
	local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role )
	local Item_Jinglian_name = GetItemName ( ItemID_Jinglian )
	local ItemBag_Jinglian = ItemBag [0]
	local Item_Jinglian = GetChaItem ( role , 2 , ItemBag_Jinglian )
	local Jinglian_Lv = 0

	Jinglian_Lv =  GetItem_JinglianLv ( Item_Jinglian )
	Jinglian_Lv = Jinglian_Lv
--	Jinglianshi_Lv Identifies the level of ref gem you are trying to forge.
--  	Stone1_Lv  identifies the level of the gem you are trying to forge.
	local Gem_Level = Jinglian_Lv --The + of the equipment
	local GemName = GetItemName(ItemID_Stone1)  --Calls the Gem Name
	local GemName2 = GetItemName(ItemID_Stone2) --Calls the Ref Name
	LG( "Forging" , "Player: ["..cha_name.."] used level ["..Stone1_Lv.."] ["..GemName.."] and level ["..Jinglianshi_Lv.."] ["..GemName2.."] on the item ["..Item_Jinglian_name.."] and it became +["..Gem_Level.."]")
	SystemNotice( role , "Forging successed! ["..Item_Jinglian_name.."] has become: +["..Gem_Level.."]")
	GMNotice("["..cha_name.."] forged level ["..Stone1_Lv.."] ["..GemName.."] and level ["..Jinglianshi_Lv.."] ["..GemName2.."]  on ["..Item_Jinglian_name.."] and successfully enchanted to: +["..Gem_Level.."]")



Edited by GOAT


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