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Guild Change Name card

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i was trying to make this as card , seems work but how we can make a check if the name is exist or not?
for example 

local String = "if NOT  EXISTS (SELECT * from "..SQL.GameDB.Name..".dbo.guild where guild_name = '"..name.."'"

this what i have done 

---the sql Query

function GuildChangeName(role,name1,name2)--new name /  old name 
	name1 = string.lower(name1)
	local length = string.len(name1)
	if ((length < 5) or (length > 16)) then
		PopupNotice(role, "The length of the Guild's name must be from 5 to 16 characters!")
		return 0
	local String = "UPDATE "..SQL.GameDB.Name..".dbo.guild SET guild_name ='"..name1.."' WHERE guild_name = '"..name2.."'"
	local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password)
	if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
		local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String)
		if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
			local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL("close", ConnectID)
		-- LG("GuildChangeName","guild has been changed from["..name2.."] to [ "..name1.." ] ")	

------get guild  leader id ----
function GuildLeaderID(Player)
local Guild_ID =  GetChaGuildID(Player)
	local String = "SELECT leader_id FROM GameDB.dbo.guild WHERE guild_id = '"..Guild_ID.."'"
	local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password)
	if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
		local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String)
		if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
			local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL("close", ConnectID)
			return Data["leader_id"]
---the function --
--guild change name card ---
function guildchange(role,name1)
local leaderid = GuildLeaderID(role)
local guildid = GetChaGuildID(role)
local guildname = GetGuildName(guildid)
local Playerid = GetPlayerID(GetChaPlayer(role))
local chaname = GetChaDefaultName(role)
	local length = string.len(name1)
	if ((length < 5) or (length > 16)) then
		PopupNotice(role, "The length of the Guild's name must be from 5 to 16 characters!")
		return 0
	if ""..Playerid.."" ~= leaderid then
	PopupNotice(role, "Please Give This Card to Your Guild Master!")
	return 0
--	Notice("player"..Playerid..leaderid)
	if CheckBagItem(role,19769) >= 1 then
	TakeItem(role, 0, 19769, 1)
	HelpInfo(role,0,"You Have Changed Your Guild Name from ["..guildname.."] to {"..name1.."] congratulations~!")
	LG("GuildChangeName","Player ["..chaname.." ] Changed his guild name from ["..guildname.." ] to "..name1.."]")
	PopupNotice(role, "You Don't have Change Guild Name Card!")
	return	0

---handle chat , 
cmd.list['guildchangename'] = {
	gm 		= 0,
	param 	= {"string"},
	func 	= function(role, param) guildchange(role,param[1]) end

"NOTE" its already don't change the name if exist " 

Edited by mkhzaleh

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Hello @mkhzaleh!


Please note that it's just a sketch, i didn't tested and not sure if the local Data is the correct function which will return integer line numbers from a result. Take a look on the sample below and try scripting.


- Create a function and use SELECT * to return all columns from guilds with the new guild name;

- Check if the column arealdy exists, if value > 0 then returns 1 else return 0;

- Call the new function created on conditions of guild name change function;

-- The function which will return all columns with the new guild name, return LUA_TRUE = exists, return LUA_FALSE = doesn't exists;
function GuildNameTaken(NewName)
	local String = "SELECT * FROM GameDB.dbo.guild WHERE guild_name = '"..NewName.."'"
	local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password)
	if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
		local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String)
		if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
			local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query)
			if Data > 0 then
				return LUA_TRUE
				return LUA_FALSE
			LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL("close", ConnectID)
-- Call on the guild name change condition function
if GuildNameTaken(name1) == LUA_TRUE then
	PopupNotice(role, "Guild name arealdy taken!")
	return 0



Edited by Satan
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4 hours ago, Satan said:

Hello @mkhzaleh!


Please note that it's just a sketch, i didn't tested and not sure if the local Data is the correct function which will return integer line numbers from a result. Take a look on the sample below and try scripting.


- Create a function and use SELECT * to return all columns from guilds with the new guild name;

- Check if the column arealdy exists, if value > 0 then returns 1 else return 0;

- Call the new function created on conditions of guild name change function;

-- The function which will return all columns with the new guild name, return LUA_TRUE = exists, return LUA_FALSE = doesn't exists;
function GuildNameTaken(NewName)
	local String = "SELECT * FROM GameDB.dbo.guild WHERE guild_name = '"..NewName.."'"
	local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL("connect", SQL.GameDB.Host, SQL.GameDB.User, SQL.GameDB.Password)
	if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
		local Success, Query = LuaSQL("query", ConnectID, String)
		if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
			local Data = LuaSQL("fetch", ConnectID, Query)
			if Data > 0 then
				return LUA_TRUE
				return LUA_FALSE
			LuaSQL("freehandle", ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL("close", ConnectID)

-- Call on the guild name change condition function
if GuildNameTaken(name1) == LUA_TRUE then
	PopupNotice(role, "Guild name arealdy taken!")
	return 0



helo @Satan ::)
thanks for your time , 

in my case now works fine with this function :)


Close the topic :)


Edited by mkhzaleh
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Well done @mkhzaleh! So, the local Data return the table. I've done that right now and working also...


function GuildNameTaken(GuildName)
	local String = "SELECT * FROM "..SQL.GameDB..".dbo.guild WHERE guild_name = '"..GuildName.."'"
	local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL(SQL.Connect, SQL.Host, SQL.UID, SQL.PWD)
	if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
		local Success, Query = LuaSQL(SQL.Query, ConnectID, String)
		if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
			local Data = LuaSQL(SQL.Fetch, ConnectID, Query)
			if (type(Data) == "table") then
				if (tostring(Data["guild_name"]) == GuildName) then 
					return LUA_TRUE
					return LUA_FALSE
			LuaSQL(SQL.FreeHandle, ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL(SQL.Close, ConnectID)


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1 minute ago, Satan said:

Well done @mkhzaleh! So, the local Data return the table. I've done that right now and working also...


function GuildNameTaken(GuildName)
	local String = "SELECT * FROM "..SQL.GameDB..".dbo.guild WHERE guild_name = '"..GuildName.."'"
	local Connect, ConnectID = LuaSQL(SQL.Connect, SQL.Host, SQL.UID, SQL.PWD)
	if Connect == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
		local Success, Query = LuaSQL(SQL.Query, ConnectID, String)
		if Success == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO then
			local Data = LuaSQL(SQL.Fetch, ConnectID, Query)
			if (type(Data) == "table") then
				if (tostring(Data["guild_name"]) == GuildName) then 
					return LUA_TRUE
					return LUA_FALSE
			LuaSQL(SQL.FreeHandle, ConnectID, Query)
			LuaSQL(SQL.Close, ConnectID)


nice :)

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		--this table for illegal symbol 
		local illegal = {"!","?",":","'","''","/","*","؟","@","#","$","+","-","--","%",".","..","(",")","^","=","=="
		--check if symbol exist in the name or not ----------
		for i = 1, table.getn(illegal), 1 do
		if (string.find(name1, ""..illegal[i].."") ~= nil) then
		PopupNotice(role, "Please input legal alphabet or numbers!")
			return 0

for illegal  symbols 


Edited by mkhzaleh

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if I were you, I would definitely refactor the code and refrain from using a separate function to check whether the specified guild already exists.

update table set column=... where not exists (select * from table where ...);

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3 hours ago, jing said:

if I were you, I would definitely refactor the code and refrain from using a separate function to check whether the specified guild already exists.

update table set column=... where not exists (select * from table where ...);

we solved the issue :)
@V3ct0r can you close the topic :) thanks!

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On 3/6/2019 at 12:36 PM, mkhzaleh said:

		--this table for illegal symbol 
		local illegal = {"!","?",":","'","''","/","*","؟","@","#","$","+","-","--","%",".","..","(",")","^","=","=="
		--check if symbol exist in the name or not ----------
		for i = 1, table.getn(illegal), 1 do
		if (string.find(name1, ""..illegal[i].."") ~= nil) then
		PopupNotice(role, "Please input legal alphabet or numbers!")
			return 0

for illegal  symbols 


I don't know if you kept all of that, but maybe give this a try.


CheckString = function(Name)
	if string.len(Name) < 5 or string.len(Name) > 16 then
    return print("Name ["..Name.."] is too short or too long.")
  if string.find(Name, "[^%w%s]") ~= nil then
    return print("Name ["..Name.."] must only contain alphanumeric values.")
  return print("Name ["..Name.."] is correct.")

Input Values:

CheckString("ABCD") -- 4
CheckString("ABCDE") -- 5
CheckString("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") -- 16
CheckString("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ") -- 17
CheckString("ABCDEFG IJKLMNOP") -- 16
CheckString("ABCDEFG_IJKLMNOP") -- 16
CheckString("A!C E@G I#K M$OP") -- 16


Name [ABCD] is too short or too long.
Name [ABCDE] is correct.
Name [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP] is correct.
Name [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ] is too short or too long.
Name [ABCDEFG IJKLMNOP] is correct.
Name [ABCDEFG_IJKLMNOP] must only contain alphanumeric values.
Name [A!C E@G I#K M$OP] must only contain alphanumeric values.

You just need this simple code to check if it contains any weird symbol.

	if string.find(<STRING>, "[^%w%s]") ~= nil then


If you want to test Lua stuff without really opening a server, use the Lua manual and this site to run code:

Edited by Angelix
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2 hours ago, Angelix said:

I don't know if you kept all of that, but maybe give this a try.


CheckString = function(Name)
	if string.len(Name) < 5 or string.len(Name) > 16 then
    return print("Name ["..Name.."] is too short or too long.")
  if string.find(Name, "[^%w%s]") ~= nil then
    return print("Name ["..Name.."] must only contain alphanumeric values.")
  return print("Name ["..Name.."] is correct.")

Input Values:

CheckString("ABCD") -- 4
CheckString("ABCDE") -- 5
CheckString("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP") -- 16
CheckString("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ") -- 17
CheckString("ABCDEFG IJKLMNOP") -- 16
CheckString("ABCDEFG_IJKLMNOP") -- 16
CheckString("A!C E@G I#K M$OP") -- 16


Name [ABCD] is too short or too long.
Name [ABCDE] is correct.
Name [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP] is correct.
Name [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ] is too short or too long.
Name [ABCDEFG IJKLMNOP] is correct.
Name [ABCDEFG_IJKLMNOP] must only contain alphanumeric values.
Name [A!C E@G I#K M$OP] must only contain alphanumeric values.

You just need this simple code to check if it contains any weird symbol.

	if string.find(<STRING>, "[^%w%s]") ~= nil then


If you want to test Lua stuff without really opening a server, use the Lua manual and this site to run code:

Hey @Angelix  , yea this sound better too :) and do the work thanks for sharing
not sure if can detected if there is any spaces in the name for example
"TEst    tt"

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If you don’t want the names to have spaces then remove the “%s” from the find function.


By putting “%w%s” in the search, it will allow letters, numbers and spaces. I guess by removing “%s” will only allow letters and numbers. 

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fixed u can remove s and add this

 string.find(name1, "[^%w%g]") ~= nil then

%g: represents all printable characters except space. 

and also work if u keep it %w as you said :)

Edited by mkhzaleh

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