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Fairy Poss Problem

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I'm equipped with cape/and state rem/add effect

2.2k passive max with cape/pet/state

I poss (In argent) I get 2.6k max

I then take off cape/state effect (at 2.1k max now) and teleport to icicle (now I'm back to 2.6k max) BUT without state/cape

Now I put on cape+state effect and now my max is 3.2k (Why does this happen?) 


Pet Scripts:

function Skill_JLFT_End ( ATKER , DEFER , sklv )
	local statelv = sklv 
	local statetime = 190 - sklv * 10 
	local item_elf = GetChaItem(ATKER , 2, 1)			-- Pet Handle
	local item_elf_type = GetItemType ( item_elf )			-- Pet Type
	local Item_ID = GetItemID ( item_elf )				-- Pet ID 

	if Item_ID==231 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT1, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==232 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT2, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==233 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT3, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==235 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT4, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==234 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT5, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==236 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT6, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==237 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT7, statelv , statetime ) 

	elseif Item_ID==681 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )

	elseif Item_ID==680 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )

	elseif Item_ID==143 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==144 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==145 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==146 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==147 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==148 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==149 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==150 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==151 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==152 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==153 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==183 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==184 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==185 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==186 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==187 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==188 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )

	elseif Item_ID==189 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==190 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==191 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==231 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==237 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==422 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==423 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==424 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==457 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==458 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime )
	elseif Item_ID==500 then
		AddState( ATKER , ATKER , STATE_JLFT8, statelv , statetime ) 
 function State_JLFT_Add ( role , sklv )
	local Item_bg = GetChaItem ( role , 2 , 1  ) 
	local Get_Item_Type = GetItemType ( Item_bg ) 
	if Get_Item_Type == 59 then 
		local  Item_ID = GetItemID ( Item_bg )	
		local str = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_VAL_STR )
		local con = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_VAL_CON )
		local agi = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_VAL_AGI )
		local dex = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_VAL_DEX )
		local sta = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_VAL_STA )
		local URE = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_URE )
		local MAXURE = GetItemAttr( Item_bg ,ITEMATTR_MAXURE )

		local lv_JL = str + con + agi + dex + sta
		local Num_JL = GetItemForgeParam ( Item_bg , 1 )
		local Part1 = 1 --GetNum_Part1 ( Num_JL )
		local Part2 = GetNum_Part2 ( Num_JL )	
		local Part3 = GetNum_Part3 ( Num_JL )
		local Part4 = GetNum_Part4 ( Num_JL )
		local Part5 = GetNum_Part5 ( Num_JL )
		local Part6 = GetNum_Part6 ( Num_JL )
		local Part7 = GetNum_Part7 ( Num_JL )

		if Part1 == 1 then 
			local star = 0

			local statelv = lv_JL * 0.025 * (sklv + 1) * 0.05 ----lv*1/40*(skilllv+1)/2*0.1

			if Item_ID ==232 then 
				local star = lv_JL
				SetCharaAttr(star, role, ATTR_STATEV_STR)
			if Item_ID ==233 then 
				local star = lv_JL
				SetCharaAttr(star, role, ATTR_STATEV_CON)

			if Item_ID ==234 then 
				local star = lv_JL
				SetCharaAttr(star, role, ATTR_STATEV_STA)

			if Item_ID ==235 then 
				local star = lv_JL
				SetCharaAttr(star, role, ATTR_STATEV_DEX)

			if Item_ID ==236 then 
				local star = lv_JL
				SetCharaAttr(star ,role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI)

			if Item_ID == 681 or Item_ID == 231 or Item_ID == 237 or Item_ID == 680 or Item_ID == 143 or Item_ID == 144 or Item_ID == 145 or Item_ID == 146 or Item_ID == 147 or Item_ID == 148 or Item_ID == 149 or Item_ID == 150 or Item_ID == 151 or Item_ID == 152 or Item_ID == 153 or Item_ID == 422 or Item_ID == 423 or Item_ID == 424 or Item_ID == 183 or Item_ID == 184 or Item_ID == 185 or Item_ID == 186 or Item_ID == 187 or Item_ID == 188 or Item_ID == 189 or Item_ID == 190 or Item_ID == 191 or Item_ID == 457 or Item_ID == 458 then 

				if str~=nil and str~=0 then
					SetCharaAttr(str ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STR)
				if con~=nil and con~=0 then
					SetCharaAttr(con ,role , ATTR_STATEV_CON)
				if sta~=nil and sta~=0 then
					SetCharaAttr(sta ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STA)
				if dex~=nil and dex~=0 then
					SetCharaAttr(dex ,role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX)
				if agi~=nil and agi~=0 then
					SetCharaAttr(agi  ,role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI)

			if Item_ID == 500 then
				if str~=nil and str~=0 then
					local star = str*1.2
					SetCharaAttr(star ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STR)
				if con~=nil and con~=0 then
					local star = con*1.2
					SetCharaAttr(star ,role , ATTR_STATEV_CON)
				if sta~=nil and sta~=0 then
					local star = sta*1.2
					SetCharaAttr(star ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STA)
				if dex~=nil and dex~=0 then
					local star = dex*1.2
					SetCharaAttr(star ,role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX)
				if agi~=nil and agi~=0 then
					local star = agi*1.2
					SetCharaAttr(star  ,role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI)
				local star = GetChaAttr( role, ATTR_BMF ) * lv_JL * 0.02
				local star2 = GetChaAttr( role, ATTR_BMF )
				SetCharaAttr(star  ,role , ATTR_BMF)
				local star = GetChaAttr( role, ATTR_STATEV_PDEF ) + 3
				SetCharaAttr(star  ,role , ATTR_STATEV_PDEF)

function State_JLFT_Rem ( role , sklv )
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STR)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_CON)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_STA)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_DEX)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_AGI)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_MF)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_LUK)
	SetCharaAttr(0 ,role , ATTR_STATEV_PDEF)


Edited by Vang


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6 hours ago, Rinor said:

It's cape problem, it is a problem with cha_timer (cloak custom hook) i think, (you using @KONG's Admiral Cloak?) i have such problem tho..

Nah I checked, it's not cape problem, it's something with the fairy poss because I'm gaining all the stats from cape and my state effect item. So whatever pet I use and poss with, I lose stats from that after the poss is finish and I have to poss again. So it's basically clearing all my stats not just from pet poss when finish but also from the cape/state effect.


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The wrong thing is in the removal state, check skilleff if they're right as well as your state of adding/removal codes.Let me know if it worked out.

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4 hours ago, x3wor said:

The wrong thing is in the removal state, check skilleff if they're right as well as your state of adding/removal codes.Let me know if it worked out.

My remove states are fine for cape/item it's the poss.


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19 hours ago, Vang said:

My remove states are fine for cape/item it's the poss.

Imho, there is nothing that would conflict the poss function on its job, it must be something else that triggers this problem.


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The funny thing is that in two chars that i used cape first works fine, other chars that i try i have that problem lol...


Edited by Rinor

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2 hours ago, J0k3r said:

   @Billy solution

 ALL STATES that are to be added must NOT have the ALLExAttrSet(role) or AttrRecheck(role) lines, as this would cause an overflow error.

Will try this out if works, thanks.

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4 hours ago, J0k3r said:

   @Billy solution

 ALL STATES that are to be added must NOT have the ALLExAttrSet(role) or AttrRecheck(role) lines, as this would cause an overflow error.

Just the add? not in remove?


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On 12/27/2017 at 6:23 PM, J0k3r said:

   @Billy solution

 ALL STATES that are to be added must NOT have the ALLExAttrSet(role) or AttrRecheck(role) lines, as this would cause an overflow error.

Still same problem..


On 12/27/2017 at 11:41 PM, Vang said:

Hm, I removed ALLExAttrSet(role) from all my cape/state eff but problem still remains when teleporting.

Found any solution yet?

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Hello, This can be fixed if you use serialize to record attributes that is set to players when possed and removed.


1. Applying attr bonus to player:

- Get player attr and add with skill attr, save on table and SetCharaAttr()


2. Removing attr bonus to player:

- check if attr saved on table is not nil, decrease player current attr with value saved on table, define attr value saved as nil, SetCharaAttr()

Basically, there's a little about what you can be doing. Oh, and if you in doubt there's something like that on released SPKO files, feel free coding!


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On 27/12/2017 at 3:23 PM, J0k3r said:

   @Billy solution

 ALL STATES that are to be added must NOT have the ALLExAttrSet(role) or AttrRecheck(role) lines, as this would cause an overflow error.

This if he uses AttrRecheck() instead of a timer.

Edited by Satan


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On 12/31/2017 at 1:11 PM, Satan said:

Basically, there's a little about what you can be doing. Oh, and if you in doubt there's something like that on released SPKO files, feel free coding!

Does released spko files has the serialize part done?

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