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Суть проблемы опять перерождение, первое рб решили путем добавление несуществующей функции. 


При обращении к НПС Банкир - Моника она выдает квест "Срочная доставка" которую нужно отнести Банкиру Ледыне


function r_talk13 ()
	Talk( 1,  "Моника: Привет! Я банкир Моника! В нашем банке ваши вещи всегда под надежной защитой! " )
	TriggerCondition( 1, HasMoney, 200 )
	TriggerAction( 1, TakeMoney, 200 )
	TriggerAction( 1, OpenBank )
	TriggerFailure( 1, JumpPage, 2 )
	Text( 1,  "Хранилище (стоимость 200 золотых) ", MultiTrigger, GetMultiTrigger(), 1)
	Talk( 2,  "Простите, вы не имеете достаточное количество золота! " )

	AddNpcMission	(1050)
	AddNpcMission	(1212)
-- Перерождение феникса часть 2
	AddNpcMission ( 6091 )
	AddNpcMission ( 6092 )



-- Срочная доставка
	DefineMission( 6092, "Срочная доставка ", 1422)
	MisBeginTalk( "<t>Мне нужна курьерская помощь. Но к сожалению все курьеры заняты. Ты сможешь доставить эту послыку? ")
	MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1422)
	MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1422)
	MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1421)
	MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1422)
	MisBeginAction( GiveItem, 956, 1, 4)
	MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1422)

	MisNeed( MIS_NEED_DESP, "<t>Доставь посылку Банкиру в Ледыни (1358,519) ")
	MisHelpTalk( "<t>Как? Вы что ещё не передали посылку? ")

	MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure )


Квест выдается, его можно посмотреть в журнале заданий, проблема заключается в том, что не выдается итем 956 - который узазан в коде, так же ошибка в системе и невозможно сдать квест Банкиру Ледыни


В системном чате выдает вот это http://skrinshoter.ru/s/141217/i0eqTAgz


Начинаем смотреть логи выводит вот это


[12-14 13:00:41]./resource/script/MisSdk/MissionSdk.lua:2684: attempt to call global `NoNewbie' (a nil value)



	elseif conditions[i].func == NoNewbie then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoNewbie( npc, conditions[i].p1 )     			----2684 строка
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
				 	PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE


Как тут быть?



Edited by Матрос

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Саму функцию NoNewbie в студию, ругается что она не существует(она ничего не возвращает или, как было у меня раньше, слишком перегружает память и не выводится)

Делай добро и бросай его в воду

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Тем не менее вы ее вызываете, или это переменная и вы с ней как то работаете, в итоге сервер не понимает что происходит и ругается. 

Но она не должна относится к данному квесту. 
Самый обычный вопрос - 956 предмет есть в iteminfo?

Делай добро и бросай его в воду

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function ConditionsTest( character, conditions, param1, param2, npc )
	if conditions == nil then
		SystemNotice( character, "ConditionsTest: condition test function conditions parameter cannot be as null!" )
		return LUA_FALSE

	if conditions[1] == nil then
		PRINT( "ConditionsTest: condition as null return real!" )
		if conditions.count ~= nil then
			num = conditions.count
		for i = 1, num, 1 do --јмІвґҐ·ўЖчПЮЦЖМхјюЧо¶а12ёцМхјю
			if conditions[i] == nil then			
			if conditions[i].func == nil then
				SystemNotice( character, "ConditionsTest: condition management function cannot be as null!" )			
			if conditions[i].func == NoMission then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoMission, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local Ret = NoMission( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if Ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: NoMission = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasMission then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasMission, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasMission( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasMission = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Checkjlktime then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Checkjlktime, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = Checkjlktime( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Checkjlktime = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasRandMission then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasRandMission, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasRandMission( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasRandMission = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasMisssionFailure then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasMisssionFailure, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasMisssionFailure( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasMisssionFailure = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoMisssionFailure then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoMisssionFailure, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoMisssionFailure( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: NoMisssionFailure = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoRecord then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoRecord, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoRecord( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: NoRecord = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasState then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasState, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasState( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasState = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == CheckWeddingTime then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckWeddingTime, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = CheckWeddingTime( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckWeddingTime = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == LunchCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: LunchCheck")
				local ret = LunchCheck(character)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LunchCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == LunchCheck1 then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: LunchCheck1")
				local ret = LunchCheck1(character)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LunchCheck1 = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
				-----Lunch end
			elseif conditions[i].func == Wedding then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Wedding, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = Wedding( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: Wedding = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == GiveWeddingCertificate then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:GiveWeddingCertificate, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = GiveWeddingCertificate( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: GiveWeddingCertificate = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == ChangeItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:ChangeItem, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = ChangeItem( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: ChangeItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == CheckZS then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckZS, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = CheckZS( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckZS = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsChaType then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsChaType, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = IsChaType( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: IsChaType = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoChaType then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoChaType, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoChaType( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: NoChaType = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasRecord then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasRecord, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasRecord( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasRecord = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == CheckTeam then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckTeam, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = CheckTeam( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckTeam = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == CheckTime then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckTime, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = CheckTime( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckTime = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoFlag then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoFlag, p1 =, p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = NoFlag( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoFlag = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasAllFlag then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasAllFlag, p1 =, p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2, conditions[i].p3 ) 
				local ret = HasAllFlag( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2, conditions[i].p3 ) 
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then 
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasAllFlag = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasFlag then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasFlag, p1 =, p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = HasFlag( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasFlag = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasItem, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = HasItem( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: NoItem, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = NoItem( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasCredit then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasCredit, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1)
				local ret = HasCredit( character, conditions[i].p1)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasCredit = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasHonorPoint then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasHonorPoint, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1)
				local ret = HasHonorPoint( character, conditions[i].p1)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasHonorPoint = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasFightingPoint then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasFightingPoint, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1)
				local ret = HasFightingPoint( character, conditions[i].p1)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasFightingPoint = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE

	elseif conditions[i].func == CheckPoint then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckPoint, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1)
				local ret = CheckPoint( character,conditions[i].p1)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckPoint = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
elseif conditions[i].func == HaveNoItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HaveNoItem, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1)
				local ret = HaveNoItem( character,conditions[i].p1)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HaveNoItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE

			elseif conditions[i].func == BankNoItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: BankNoItem, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = BankNoItem( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:BankNoItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == EquipNoItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: EquipNoItem, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = EquipNoItem( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:EquipNoItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoMoney then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: NoMoney, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoMoney( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoMoney = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasMoney then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasMoney, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasMoney( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasMoney = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasCancelMissionMoney then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: HasCancelMissionMoney" )
				local ret = HasCancelMissionMoney( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasCancelMissionMoney = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsMonster then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsMonster, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, param1 )
				if param1 == nil then
					SystemNotice( "ConditionsTest: determine destroy item type function, parameter invalid!param1 = nil" )
					return LUA_FALSE
				local ret = IsMonster( conditions[i].p1, param1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsMonster = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsItem, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, param1 )
				if param1 == nil then
					SystemNotice( "ConditionsTest: determine obtain item type function, parameter invalid! param1 = nil" )
					return LUA_FALSE
				local ret = IsItem( conditions[i].p1, param1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsMapNpc then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsMapNpc, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = IsMapNpc( npc, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsMapNpc = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsMapChar then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsMapChar, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = IsMapChar( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsMapChar = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == LvCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LvCheck, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = LvCheck( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LvCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == TurnToJob then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:TurnToJob,p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = TurnToJob( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:TurnToJob = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE

			elseif conditions[i].func == HpCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HpCheck, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = HpCheck( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HpCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == SpCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:SpCheck, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = SpCheck( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:SpCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == PfEqual then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:PfEqual, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = PfEqual( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:PfEqual = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoPfEqual then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:PfEqual, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoPfEqual( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:PfEqual = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasFame then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasFame, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasFame( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasFame = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsInArea then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsInArea, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = IsInArea( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsInArea = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsInMap then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsInMap, p1 =, p2 =, p3 = , p4 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2, conditions[i].p3, conditions[i].p4 )
				local ret = IsInMap( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2, conditions[i].p3, conditions[i].p4, 10000, 10000 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsInMap = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == AlwaysFailure then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:AlwaysFailure," )
				local ret = AlwaysFailure()
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:AlwaysFailure = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == AlwaysTrue then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:AlwaysTrue," )
				local ret = AlwaysTrue()
				--if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					--PRINT( "ConditionsTest:AlwaysTrue = false" )
					--return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasRandMissionNpc then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasRandMissionNpc,p1, p2, p3", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2, conditions[i].p3 )
				local ret = HasRandMissionNpc( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2, conditions[i].p3 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasRandMissionNpc = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasRandNpcItemFlag then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasRandNpcItemFlag,p1, p2", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = HasRandNpcItemFlag( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasRandNpcItemFlag = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoRandNpcItemFlag then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoRandNpcItemFlag,p1, p2", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = NoRandNpcItemFlag( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoRandNpcItemFlag = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasConvoyNpc then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasConvoyNpc,p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasConvoyNpc( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasConvoyNpc = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func ==CheckItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckItem, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = CheckItem( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func ==CheckBag then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckBag, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 ,conditions[i].p3)
				local ret = CheckBag( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 ,conditions[i].p3)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckBag = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoNewbie then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoNewbie( npc, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
				 	PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func ==CheckBagEmp then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: CheckBagEmp, p1 =, p2 =", conditions[i].p1)
				local ret = CheckBagEmp( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckBagEmp = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoConvoyNpc then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoConvoyNpc,p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoConvoyNpc( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoConvoyNpc = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsConvoyNpc then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsConvoyNpc,p1 = , p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = IsConvoyNpc( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsConvoyNpc = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsCategory then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsCategory,p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = IsCategory( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsCategory = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == CheckConvertProfession then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckConvertProfession,p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = CheckConvertProfession( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckConvertProfession = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsSpawnPos then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsSpawnPos, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = IsSpawnPos( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsSpawnPos = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasLeaveBagGrid then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasLeaveBagGrid, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasLeaveBagGrid( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasLeaveBagGrid = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasLeaveBagTempGrid then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasLeaveBagTempGrid, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasLeaveBagTempGrid( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasLeaveBagTempGrid = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsBoatFull then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsBoatFull" )
				local ret = IsBoatFull( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsBoatFull = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == BoatBuildCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:BoatBuildCheck, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = BoatBuildCheck( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:BoatBuildCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasBoatInBerth then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasBoatInBerth, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasBoatInBerth( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasBoatInBerth = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasDeadBoatInBerth then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasDeadBoatInBerth, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasDeadBoatInBerth( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasDeadBoatInBerth = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasAllBoatInBerth then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasAllBoatInBerth, p1 =", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasAllBoatInBerth( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasAllBoatInBerth = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			--elseif conditions[i].func == HasAllBoatInBerth_eitheror then
			--	PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasAllBoatInBerth , p1 = , p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
			--	local ret = HasAllBoatInBerth_eitheror( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
			--	if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
			--		PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasAllBoatInBerth_eitheror = false" )
			--		return LUA_FALSE
			--	end
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasLuanchOut then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasLuanchOut" )
				local ret = HasLuanchOut( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasLuanchOut = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasGuild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasGuild" )
				local ret = HasGuild( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasGuild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoGuild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoGuild" )
				local ret = NoGuild( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoGuild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasPirateGuild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasPirateGuild" )
				local ret = HasPirateGuild( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasPirateGuild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoPirateGuild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoPirateGuild" )
				local ret = NoPirateGuild( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoPirateGuild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasNavyGuild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasNavyGuild" )
				local ret = HasNavyGuild( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasNavyGuild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == NoNavyGuild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNavyGuild" )
				local ret = NoNavyGuild( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNavyGuild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == IsGuildType then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsGuildType, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = IsGuildType( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:IsGuildType = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == TradeItemLevelCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:TradeItemLevelCheck, p1 = , p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = TradeItemLevelCheck( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:TradeItemLevelCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == TradeItemDataCheck then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:TradeItemDataCheck, p1 = , p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = TradeItemDataCheck( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:TradeItemDataCheck = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasOffer then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasOffer, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasOffer( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasOffer = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == LessCredit then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LessCredit, p1 = , p2 = ", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = LessCredit( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LessCredit = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == LessTime then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LessTime, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = LessTime( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:LessTime = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == MoreTime then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:MoreTime, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = MoreTime( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:MoreTime = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == BaiyangOn then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:BaiyangOn, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = BaiyangOn( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:BaiyangOn = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == CheckEnergy then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckEnergy, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = CheckEnergy( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:CheckEnergy = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasNOZSExp then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasNOZSExp, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasNOZSExp( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasNOZSExp = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasGuildLevel then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasGuildLevel, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = HasGuildLevel( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasGuildLevel = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Check_TOPguild then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Check_TOPguild")
				local ret = Check_TOPguild(character)
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Check_TOPguild = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			-----Check_TOPguild end
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasXmasYB then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasXmasYB,p1, p2", conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				local ret = HasXmasYB( character, conditions[i].p1, conditions[i].p2 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasXmasYB = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE

			elseif conditions[i].func == KitbagLock then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:KitbagLock, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = KitbagLock( character, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:KitbagLock = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Get_Day_Mission1 then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission1" )
				local ret = Get_Day_Mission1( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission1 = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Get_Day_Mission2 then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission2" )
				local ret = Get_Day_Mission2( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission2 = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Get_Day_Mission3 then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission3" )
				local ret = Get_Day_Mission3( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission3 = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Get_Day_Mission4 then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission4" )
				local ret = Get_Day_Mission4( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission4 = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == Get_Day_Mission5 then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission5" )
				local ret = Get_Day_Mission5( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:Get_Day_Mission5 = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
			elseif conditions[i].func == HasNoItem then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasNoItem" )
				local ret = HasNoItem( character )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
					PRINT( "ConditionsTest:HasNoItem = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest: unknown condition function!i = %d", i )
				SystemNotice( character, "ConditionsTest:unknown condition function error!" )
				return LUA_ERROR
	PRINT( "ConditionsTest: return true" )
	return LUA_TRUE

 Предмет да есть. Так а как мне ее убрать?

Edited by Матрос

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вырезай тот кусок который вызывает ее и все

Делай добро и бросай его в воду

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		--[[elseif conditions[i].func == NoNewbie then
				PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoNewbie( npc, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
				 	PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE

Было бы все так просто. При вырезании этого кода НПС выдает ошибку http://skrinshoter.ru/s/141217/b2p3xivc


А если закомментировать вот так эту часть

		elseif conditions[i].func == NoNewbie then
--[[	PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie, p1 = ", conditions[i].p1 )
				local ret = NoNewbie( npc, conditions[i].p1 )
				if ret ~= LUA_TRUE then
				 	PRINT( "ConditionsTest:NoNewbie = false" )
					return LUA_FALSE

то работает но все равно криво, в обоих случаях нету файла с логом ошибки

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