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Found 5 results

  1. Since I really have no interest in TOP anymore, I will be releasing my method of making the glow that Pirates Online released before. This requires no source, it's fairly simple. Amongst my experience with recoloring/doing apps and such I sat for a bit and thought of how it was possible that Pirates Online did their glows, as I dug around decompiling; with little experience with source and unable to decode the structure from Pirates Onlines Game.exe and some encrypted files. I was able to pull one of the glow they had which is the red glow from one of the ring effects, if anyone had the old client it contained the eff/par you can see in; also was able to pull their floating logos with effects as you can see in the video here: Credits to Pirates Online for envisioning the possibility of creating a new glow such as white and purple. Anyways enjoy, I hope dedicated users/coders continue TOP. Download Link: https://mega.nz/file/EfhxXI6J#Wn2zml_btI0tEi14AJfVxLME-LrbTslzrj3onODZVgA PO's White Glow: https://i.gyazo.com/fb00c72f4a4d4f5aad924da222213d7d.mp4 Mine: PO's Purple Glow: Mine:
  2. Im making an Admiral Cloak script, all works fine as you can see on the image below: I make the glow work too as you can see the arrows above the char head. The problem is that I can't find the glow ID that most servers use... I checked the free releases of Cloak with Glow + Nightmare Demonic Helm Glow, and tested the 210/211/212/213 glow and nothing appears when using those ID's... Those are the glow all servers use?? If Not someone can tell me the skilleff ID's for the correct id's plz
  3. Home

    Creating weapon glow

    Hi everyone. By this simple tutorial i'll show you guys how to create a new glow for weapons and also change its color. 1 - ItemRefineInfo The Itemrefininginfo is a list of all weapons and its respectively glow details. It basically receives the weapon ID, Name, and the existing glows id and size for every char type (lance, ami, carsise, phyllis). The itemrefininginfo doesn't creates any new glows it just sets existing glows from itemrefiningeffectinfo to a given weapon: example: 776 Blade of Enigma 3 9 0 12 26 0 25 0 24 0 0 27 0 0 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 776 - weapon id Blade of Enigma - weapon name 3 - red gems respective glow id 9 - blue gems respective glow id 0 - unknown 12 - yellow gems respective glow id 26 - unknown 0 - unknown 25 - unknown 0 - unknown 24 - unknown 0 - unknown 0 - unknown 27 - unknown 0 - unknown 0 - unknown 0.6 - lance glow size 0.6 - carsise glow size 0.6 - phyllis glow size 0.6 - ami glow size example of a giant blue glow for Blade of Enigma with any gem combination. 776 Blade of Enigma 9 9 0 9 26 0 25 0 24 0 0 27 0 0 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 example of a little green glow for Darkness Emissary with any gem combination. 2331 Darkness Emissary 63 63 0 63 26 0 25 0 24 0 0 27 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 By this first part you'll be able to set custom glows for any weapon, however if you wanna go futher you should create new glow types in itemrefiningeffectinfo. 2 - ItemRefiningeffectInfo The itemrefiningeffectinfo is a list that stores all the glows itself is there where you can find the glows id you need to customize your weapon glows in itemrefininginfo. It contains all kind of glows, green, blue, yellow, red, staff, sword, dagger, gun etc. For example, this line has a green glow for guns ( if you put it on itemrefininginfo on any weapon it will give it a green glow gun ) 44 Gun Poison 4 354 0 354 0 1 353 0 353 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 using it on itemrefininginfo Darkness Emissary line for any gem: 2331 Darkness Emissary 43 43 0 43 26 0 25 0 24 0 0 27 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
  4. Good Day Everyone. I just want to know how you change or edit glow color. Found a guide here but it is hard for me to understand (Pardon me). So i Just decompiled the refineinfo and effect. But when i change values and compile it again the game won't work. Idk why i only have few knowledge about this thing and not a computer major or something but willing to learn. A Simple step by step tutorial or a vid would help. (no rush and not forcing anyone to make a vid )
  5. See this line from ItemRefineEffectInfo.txt: 100 Crescent Dagger Poison Bonus 4 360 360 360 360 2 397 397 397 397 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Where can I find these the ID 360 and 397? Since I have already thanked everyone who can help.
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