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About MolSlangX

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    Cabin Boy

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  1. Hi Guys im in need of some help,, when decompiling I get the following : Folder decompiled successfully in 0.492s: C:/Program Files (x86)/Tales of Pirates II/scripts/table/ C:\Program Files (x86)\Tales of Pirates II\scripts\table>pause Press any key to continue . . . then when i go look for the decompiled text files, i cannot seem to find them,, can someone please assist?
  2. Hi guys i am new to the private server community. I am trying to make the hexathlon quest repeatable so that if i finish the Sixth task, the quest restarts and i can do the whole quest again. at the end of the sixth task script i have put the MissionResultAction to clear all records from 1000 to 1007 but it doesnt clear the records to make me restart the first task. Below is the script that ive edited. DefineMission( 6124, "The Sixth Task", 1007) MisBeginTalk( "<t>The final task is very simple. All you need to do is just finding another two people as you companions. And on you team, you must have one person whose level is from 20 to 30, another person whose level is from 31 to 40 and the other whose level is higher than 40.When you make it, you can go to find Swordsman Ray in the Lower Icicle Castle to get your award!") MisBeginCondition( HasRecord, 1006) MisBeginCondition( NoMission, 1007) MisBeginCondition( NoRecord, 1007) MisBeginAction( AddMission, 1007) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 1007) MisHelpTalk( "<t>Go to find your companion") MisResultCondition( AlwaysFailure ) ----------------------------------ÅK¤H¤»¶µ¤§¤» DefineMission( 6125, "The Sixth Task", 1007, COMPLETE_SHOW) MisBeginCondition( AlwaysFailure ) MisResultTalk( "<t>You are so great! congratulations! I will look forward to your performance next time.") MisResultCondition( HasMission, 1007) MisResultCondition( NoRecord, 1007) MisResultCondition( CheckTeam ) MisResultAction( SetRecord, 1007) MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1007) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1000) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1001) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1002) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1003) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1004) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1005) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1006) MisResultAction(ClearRecord, 1007) MisResultAction( AddExp_6) Can someone please assist and tell me what ive done wrong and guide me to fix the issue at hand. I have noticed that when i add the MisResultAction( ClearMission, 1000) to another quest and finish it it allows me to do hexa again but not when i put it in the hexa task script.
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