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JaR last won the day on August 11 2021

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About JaR

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  1. i think its a client version Client Source: GlobalVar.cpp // 客户端版本号, 在GateServer有验证 short g_sClientVer = 700;
  2. the problem is on gateserver port now fixed thanks
  3. GlobalVar.cpp short g_sClientVer = 700; Game Version is 700 GateServer.cfg change version 136 to 700 [Main] Name = GateServer Version = 136 to 700
  4. maybe some1 can help with login? always connection failed start system\Game.exe G53334DPPAZEUM3S ip:
  5. try this function ItemUse_TryChest ( role , Item ) local Item_CanGet = GetChaFreeBagGridNum ( role ) if Item_CanGet < 4 then SystemNotice(role , "you need at least 4 slots to open Fairy Coin Chest") UseItemFailed ( role ) return end local Kals_Num = 0 if Kals_Num == 3 then local j = TakeItem ( role , 0 , 3457 , Kals_Num ) if j == 1 then GiveItem ( role , 0 , 1872 , 1 , 4 ) else UseItemFailed ( role ) SystemNotice( role, "Not enough Kal Runestone.") end else SystemNotice( role , "Not enough kal Runestone.") UseItemFailed ( role ) end end
  6. working for me using cloak item type 27 or 28, maybe u missing something
  7. nothing has been changed there, maybe your fairy.lua or pet.lua file, try adding SynLook somewhere
  8. @wouter2004 there is a function in Corsairs files that is GetItemStackSize() you can use it local itemCount = GetItemStackSize(gem) if (itemCount >= stoneCount) then return LUA_TRUE end
  9. JaR

    fix game !

    There you go, if you work with source code https://in-pko.com/index.php?/topic/38-fast-panel-second-cooldown/
  10. if you use @Tensei script, you have to change chaospk to garner2 in ctrl.lua and entry.lua
  11. @YeYeJuice open lua/map/index.lua, make sure you add ChaosArgent.lua
  12. @wouter2004 Try to add your NPC Builder to lua/plugin/npcexploit.lua in SailNpc
  13. Thanks for the info, I found out about it a while ago
  14. Hello!, @Ximboliex. Look at the number in red, You can change to 1 for Land Battle and 2 for Sea Battle, if you choose another number, the skill will default to Sea Battle ( correct me if im wrong, I just tried it, because seeing the topic ) and I don't know how to make it work on Land and Sea, maybe it should be in Source.
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