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Everything posted by Rafael

  1. Hi angelix! im with Igor, u helping us with vps :) hey, change the name of resoudrce for for resource. Ty! 😆

  2. @V3ct0r i got it with help, thank you. Can close this topic
  3. I cant use sa, then i creat another one, but still same... (password 123456789 too) i tried with "master" too
  4. I used sa and put the password 123456789, but another erro happened
  5. i dont use in accountserver too but he works
  6. Is this necessary? I did not use it. How do i enter a db_usr and db_pass?
  7. Account, Group and gateserver works perfectly, but when i open gameserver he close immediately. I try with many gameserver.exe and .cfg any ideia what happens? Mensage in LOG>init.txt [02-02 17:40:03]Define __CATCH [02-02 17:40:03]game map server [] startup... [02-02 17:40:03]start initialization GameApp [02-02 17:40:03]Load Game Config File(Text Mode) [GameServer.cfg] [02-02 17:40:03]initialization DB... [02-02 17:40:03]database init...Fail! [02-02 17:40:03]GameApp initialization failed, exit!
  8. i m looking for a action database to site, where i can find?
  9. when i open the game server this happens, what is this
  10. MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB2 , 10, 20, 10) have MOB2 [ b ] no work put together in this forum lol
  11. @Ximboliex function dd_dd() Talk( 1, "dddddddd" ) AddNpcMission(7783) end its work the random, but when i finish the quest still with the same quest, just change with "updateall" its like this now: MOB1 ={} MOB1[1] = 237 MOB1[2] = 298 MOB1[3] = 225 MOB1[4] = 252 MOB1[5] = 93 local a = math.random(1,5) MOB2 ={} MOB2[1] = 62 MOB2[2] = 100 MOB2[3] = 101 MOB2[4] = 203 MOB2[5] = 45 local b = math.random(1,5) MOB3 ={} MOB3[1] = 83 MOB3[2] = 266 MOB3[3] = 46 MOB3[4] = 130 MOB3[5] = 281 local c = math.random(1,5) DefineMission( 7783, "Travel of Gold", 6089 ) MisBeginTalk( "Kill all this mobs and i go give you my Necklace" ) MisBeginAction(AddMission, 6089) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 60891, TE_KILL, MOB1[a] , 10 ) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 60892, TE_KILL, MOB2 , 10 ) MisBeginAction(AddTrigger, 60893, TE_KILL, MOB3[c] , 10 ) MisCancelAction( ClearMission, 6089) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_DESP, "<Good Luck!> ") MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB1[a] , 10, 10, 10 ) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB2 , 10, 20, 10 ) MisNeed(MIS_NEED_KILL,MOB3[c] , 10, 30, 10 ) MisPrize(MIS_PRIZE_MONEY, 500000, 1) MisPrizeSelAll() MisResultTalk("Nice, you follow my words! Here is the Necklace.") MisHelpTalk("In Forgotten Island you can find this mobs.") MisResultCondition(HasMission, 6089) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 6089, 19 ) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 6089, 29 ) MisResultCondition(HasFlag, 6089, 39 ) MisResultAction(ClearMission, 6089 ) MisResultBagNeed(1) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster,MOB1[a] ) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6089, 10, 10 ) RegCurTrigger( 60891 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster,MOB2 ) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6089, 20, 10 ) RegCurTrigger( 60892 ) InitTrigger() TriggerCondition( 1, IsMonster,MOB3[c] ) TriggerAction( 1, AddNextFlag, 6089, 30, 10 ) RegCurTrigger( 60893 )
  12. thank you, bro! no is my point, but this go work good for me, ty
  13. I need help, i want put 5 items with random quest, click = get 1 random of 5 quest when you finish the quest go for the other item. 5 Items = 5 random quest ea, then 5 items = 25 quests, how i can do a "random quest"?
  14. I need help, i m when i use the buff for chat handle no work! the buffs come but dont give stats, just with buff note, what i can do? using with another NPC (together) Talk (15, "Im Buffer page, if you want buff, you need pay me 100k!.") Text (15, "Buff me!", buff) Text (15, "Nevermind", CloseTalk) Chat Handle Function ------------------------ function buffnpc(role,message) local ret, npc = GetEudemon() local name = GetCharName(npc) if name == "System" then JumpPage(role, npc, NpcInfoList[15].page, 15) else JumpPage(role, npc, NpcInfoList[NpcInfoList.count].page, 15) end end Function ------------------------ function buff (role) local money = HasMoney (role, 100000) if money == 0 then SystemNotice (role, "Do you have enough gold!") end local StateType = GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_XLZH) local StateType = GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_SHPF) local StateType = GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_TSHD) local StateType = GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_MLCH) local StateType = GetChaStateLv (role, STATE_FZLZ) if StateType == 0 then AddState (role, role, STATE_XLZH, 10, 600) AddState (role, role, STATE_SHPF, 10, 600) AddState (role, role, STATE_TSHD, 10, 600) AddState (role, role, STATE_MLCH, 10, 600) AddState (role, role, STATE_FZLZ, 10, 600) TakeMoney (role, nil, 100000) SystemNotice (role, "You are buffed!") end end
  15. Hi, V3ctor, i m with a error, i cant buy nothing here , i try change the NpcSdk, but no work, i think the erro is in the game server what i can do??


  16. Hi, i m with a error, i cant buy nothing here, i try change the NpcSdk, but no work, i think the erro is in the game server what i can do??
  17. Hi V3ct0r, i want buy securitys for my server do u can help me?

    1. Rafael


      Can you make it cheaper? I live in Brazil or the dollar here is 3.1 $

      is just a server for friends

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