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Everything posted by flamyman1412

  1. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OUnPNpLf003VRKkWi0DQvb_uUhESkE18/view?usp=sharing Mods do not support the game.exe , I don't know the number, please tell me.
  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OUnPNpLf003VRKkWi0DQvb_uUhESkE18/view?usp=sharing Mods do not support the game.exe , I don't know the number, please tell me.
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OUnPNpLf003VRKkWi0DQvb_uUhESkE18/view?usp=sharing Mods do not support the game.exe , I don't know the number, please tell me.
  4. Adjust is to make a donate system that supports spending in my country that is not Paypal because my country is not good at paying through Paypal.
  5. I need someone to customize my website. Part of Donate to be able to spend in my country
  6. help me how to item 75+15 exchange new item 80+10 i don't code teach me please
  7. I can do the system Enhanced exchange items such as +15 equipment or +27 exchange for other items. what do i have to do Thank you very much for your help sorry for my english
  8. how to function Reset in game limited to 10 times function Re_Born ( role ) local check=Get_Reset ( role ) if check==0 then SystemNotice( role, "Reset Requirements not met" ) return end local cha_gd = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_GD) local need_gd = 1000000 local final_gd = cha_gd - need_gd local cha_name = GetChaDefaultName ( role ) local cha_lv = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_LV) local cha_job = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_JOB) local cha_skill_num=GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_TP ) local clear_skill_num=ClearFightSkill(role) cha_skill_num=cha_skill_num+clear_skill_num-93+5 SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_TP ,cha_skill_num ) local ap = GetChaAttr( role , ATTR_AP ) local cha_str = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BSTR ) local cha_dex = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BDEX ) local cha_agi = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BAGI ) local cha_con = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BCON ) local cha_sta = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BSTA ) ap=ap+cha_str+cha_dex+cha_agi+cha_con+cha_sta-195+20 SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BSTR ,5 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BDEX ,5 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BAGI ,5 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BCON,5 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_BSTA,5 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role , ATTR_AP,ap ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_CEXP,1 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role, ATTR_LV,1 ) SyncChar(role,4) SetChaAttr(role,ATTR_GD,final_gd ) SyncChar(role,4) RefreshCha ( role ) Notice("Extreme celebration "..cha_name.." Reset successful. Blessing from the whole server "..cha_name.." Hope you have a safe journey and everything goes your way!") local Zs_Exp = GetChaAttr ( role , ATTR_CSAILEXP ) local cha_job = GetChaAttr( role , ATTR_JOB ) if Zs_Exp >=12000 and Zs_Exp and cha_job == 9 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 453 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=12000 and cha_job == 8 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 455 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=12000 and cha_job == 16 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 454 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=12000 and cha_job == 12 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 456 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=12000 and cha_job == 13 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 458 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=12000 and cha_job == 14 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 457 , 3 , 3 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=9000 and Zs_Exp < 12000 and cha_job == 9 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 453 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=9000 and Zs_Exp < 12000 and cha_job == 8 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 455 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=9000 and Zs_Exp < 12000 and cha_job == 16 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 454 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=9000 and Zs_Exp < 12000 and cha_job == 12 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 456 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=9000 and Zs_Exp < 12000 and cha_job == 13 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 458 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp >=9000 and Zs_Exp < 12000 and cha_job == 14 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) AddChaSkill ( role , 457 , 2 , 2 , 0 ) elseif Zs_Exp > 0 and Zs_Exp < 9000 then AddChaSkill ( role , 459 , 1 , 1 , 0 ) GiveItem_zsbook ( role ) end return 1 end function Get_Reset ( role ) local cha_lv = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_LV) local cha_gd = GetChaAttr(role, ATTR_GD) local need_gd = 1000000 local final_gd = cha_gd - need_gd local item_empty=IsEquip(role) if cha_gd < need_gd then SystemNotice( role,"Sorry but you need "..need_gd.." to do the reset") return 0 end if cha_lv < 94 then SystemNotice( role ,"Sorry but you need to be lv 95+ to reset yourself") return 0 end if item_empty==LUA_TRUE then SystemNotice(role,"Please place the item from character's equipment slot into the inventory") return 0 end RefreshCha ( role ) end
  9. Hi Please tell me where to set up 2 select channel on the client.
  10. Hi Please tell me where to set up 2 servers on the client.
  11. Hi how to make 2 server 2 DB in 1 VPS 1 Client thank you verymuch
  12. Good seller, quality work, everything is beautiful.
  13. Do I need to find this number for my Client? #Build timestamp: 1259921080 const unsigned int CHeadSay__Render = 0x00470690; const unsigned int CGameScene___pMainCha = 0x0067052C; // Game.exe 0 (1222073761) namespace GAME_13X_0 { // void CHeadSay::Render(D3DXVECTOR3& pos) const unsigned int CHeadSay__Render = 0x00470690; // CCharacter* CGameScene::_pMainCha const unsigned int CGameScene___pMainCha = 0x0067052C; }
  14. I've tried searching but can't find it.
  15. i can fix it But after installing the mod it doesn't show the effect of the mod. [pkodev.mod.loader] ----------------------------------------------- [pkodev.mod.loader] PKOdev.NET mod loader ver. 1.2 by V3ct0r [pkodev.mod.loader] ----------------------------------------------- [pkodev.mod.loader] Detected .exe file: 'Game.exe 1.3x (ID: 0)'. [pkodev.mod.loader] Searching mods in 'mods' directory . . . [pkodev.mod.loader] Done! (2) mods found out: +----+--------------------------------+----------+----------------+ | # | Mod | Version | Author | +----+--------------------------------+----------+----------------+ | 1.| pkodev.mod.cooldown | 1.0 | V3ct0r | | 2.| pkodev.mod.namelevel | 1.0 | V3ct0r | +----+--------------------------------+----------+----------------+ [pkodev.mod.loader] Launching mods . . . [pkodev.mod.loader] All mods launched!
  16. Can you help guide me? why can't it find I'm using the same job file in the build, but I'm getting an error like this.
  17. Done. Thank you to everyone who guided me. Thank you very much. @V3ct0r @dragontechi I made mods support my game but after installing the mod The game cannot be opened. There is no error notification. Or do I have to rebuild the game.dll file to support it? my game
  18. I don't know where I can look for build timestamp Game.exe, I don't have the ability to do this.
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