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Everything posted by johan

  1. I have the same problem with the gateserver some solution? @Daisuke
  2. The error has been corrected, I mention it because the other solutions are complete and yours is incomplete. Solution for future readers: Apply the settings proposed by @yagura2k and @Fritt, and take care to check if the variable "#define CMD_CM_GAME_REQUEST_PIN CMD_CM_BASE + 101" is found in the document NetCommand.h on line 159. On the other hand, thank you for sharing a bit of your work and allowing new developers to work on this project.
  3. when compiling these errors arise: Game error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl CS_SendGameRequest(char const * const)" (?CS_SendGameRequest@@YAXQBD@Z) referenced in function "protected: void __thiscall GUI::CDoublePwdMgr::SendGameRequest(void)" (?SendGameRequest@CDoublePwdMgr@GUI@@IAEXXZ) Game fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
  4. Hola comunidad, soy algo nuevo en la edición y desarrollo del código fuente de game.exe. He estado revisando y compilando el juego durante varios días, pero tengo problemas para agregar nuevas funciones. un ejemplo de ello Aparentemente, los cambios realizados en los archivos UIMinimapForm.cpp y UIMinimapForm.h no son compatibles con UIMinimapForm.obj, he intentado editar el archivo UIMinimapForm.obj pero no puedo abrirlo con ninguno de mis programas 3D Si tiene conocimiento o hay una guía, donde puedo ver este tipo de arreglo, se lo agradecería.
  5. Thank you. One last question with this option where is it stored or how can I edit the points and credits of a player?
  6. I have an Igs.lua in my plugin folder, but loading when opening the game and clicking on the item mall cart gives me an "Incorrect 2nd password" error. Could you tell me how can I open this file and activate the item mall in the game? @mkhzaleh
  7. @Satan Can you be clearer with this error, what kind of modification do you need to make?
  8. What type of db is compatible with these files @Backpack
  9. @mkhzaleh Hi the link does not work. Could you upload the files again?
  10. He wanted to know how from my GM account I can assign an item to a player. he checked the database and only managed to get the bank ID or the temporary inventory. If there is a code, or program, that allows me to assign items to a player, it will be helpful. thank you
  11. @d3ux Thank you very much for your response, he tried this but it has not made any difference
  12. HI @V3ct0r Could you help me, I have imported some models (buildings) to the game which I can see with pko model, but by adding them to the game I can not see them, I already added the .lmo, the .dds and modified a line in sceneobjinfo and even so i can't see it. NOTE: I don't know very well the structure of sceneobjinfo add the sample line of another and add the name of my lmo file. Thank you very much if you can help me with this question.
  13. hi @Fisal Moha a long time ago, I did something similar with this tool that worked very well, this is a video tutorial on how to adjust the textures, I hope I can help you.
  14. @Ximboliex You could show a clearer example of code. When you say Wings ID do you mean the ID of the wings in the Iteminfo? And when you mean a state, do you mean the Skilleff ID? On the other hand I have some doubt with the code of Cha_timer. I feel that the code is a bit incomplete, and when I try it I do not see changes. Thanks for your help
  15. Hello friends, I'm trying new things on my server and I'm trying to create a new item class, a new Item_type. But I have difficulties so that this can be forged. Now look for the line of the variable and add the Item_CanJinglian_ID in the Item_CanJinglian_Num, but still I can not get my item to be forged. I have only achieved this by changing the Item_Type of the item in the iteminfo. this is my error when trying to install it
  16. Hi mienbros de pko, the reason for this announcement is to give a negative reference to @quad, which committed to our team to create a web page which was paid in full, as well as an API service and At the moment of answering I leave a non-functional page, and we never made the API requested. Finally I end up blocking ourselves to not answer. Our team has been able to search by other means for someone to finish what this member of the group started. We hope that this type of things will never happen to other work teams since the idea of this medium is to create a play space for many people. Thank you very much for your attention. This is your paypal account so that you have caution when making your payments and work with this person @quad
  17. hello friends I have some 3d models Max (obj) that I would like to export to LGO and LMO but I still do not give a script that allows it. I have read a lot and searched without any success. The closest thing was the @wolfenx tool but it only helped me to import If you can give me information about a tool that allows it, I would appreciate it
  18. @Andy Hey man, thank you, really, thank you
  19. I have tradedb and in the AccountInfo table this Money = Crystal But I do not have a table for Points = ??
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