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Tera last won the day on June 6 2022

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About Tera

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  1. *Good afternoon everyone in this group* I introduce myself, I am Tera, a character who started in the world of such of pirates approximately more than 10 years ago, for a long time I was a player on different servers, both official top2 and private, everything was better when there were few servers , but with the passage of time files were released and anyone believed that by editing an NPC or the Iteminfo you were already a developer, with the passage of time I became interested in creating a server and little by little I was looking for information and trying to learn and with the collaboration of serverdev and pkodev we improved and learned a lot, I launched some servers but my knowledge of protection was not very good so they hacked me a few times, so I started working from local in my spare time doing it for fun, everything It was going well when I was bored I went to edit, change, create, until one day I made the mistake of trusting someone who offered me to host my files approximately 3 months by then I did not have a 100% server but I decided to put my files, at first I was suspicious but I already had a lot of editing and wanted to try things from a host, well the truth was my mistake and this person copies my files and now many people they have that file although it is incomplete because I always tried to add more things that is why I am retiring after many years and leaving the public files for anyone who wants to use them since the people who copied it have 0 knowledge and will only seek to get money from it by opening 10 servers close them a month and scam, that's why I tell them not to trust anyone because seeing that a person scams with files that cost you hours of sleep and research is not pretty, the files are not yet 100% but they are more up-to-date and the client the same, the person who copied the files is a certain JaloCruz called Manuel Atencio, do not trust him since he has opened thousands of servers and all of them are bankrupt, the files in itself they are not perfect if you are interested you can use them as you wish. thanks for all PKODEV team Server Files : https://www.mediafire.com/file/ovx65dnncac8mi4/TERAPKO+2.0.rar/file Client Files: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hctgov46eculj51/The+New+World+Online+Client.rar/file Here some images: https://imgur.com/gallery/6wZ7wyt
  2. https://gamebanana.com/mods/download/147370
  3. function GetExp_New(dead , atk ) local map_copy = GetChaMapCopy(atk) local DeadMonster = GetChaID(dead) if(GetChaMapName(atk) == "InfernalAbyss" ) then if(DeadMonster == 1726 )then <--monster code if(DeadMonster == xxxx )then <--monster code if(DeadMonster == xxxx )then <--monster code if(DeadMonster == xxxx )then <--monster code if(DeadMonster == xxxx )then <--monster code CreateCha(1727,2800,1200,145,9999999) MapCopyNotice(map_copy, "You have defeated Lv 1 Boss and it summons Lv 2 Boss.") end end
  4. resource>script>calculate>exp_and_level.lua open> search> function GetExp_New(dead , atk ) local map_copy = GetChaMapCopy(atk) local DeadMonster = GetChaID(dead) if(GetChaMapName(atk) == "InfernalAbyss" ) then if(DeadMonster == 1726 )then CreateCha(1727,2800,1200,145,9999999) MapCopyNotice(map_copy, "You have defeated Lv 1 Boss and it summons Lv 2 Boss.") end end
  5. Update, I managed to make the poss work with the modulestatev, I'll leave them below https://www.mediafire.com/file/9t7eyypzuomo5z5/ModuleStatev.rar/file
  6. Hello community, I have a small error with the layer when adding the admiral cloak it does not add the fairy possesion I have already added removestats but it does not work only in the layer in the rest yes, before in other files it had a configuration in function State_JLFT_Rem ( role , sklv ) that the admiral added to deactivate it when using it and thus not cause conflicts but I can't find it anymore could someone help me with this Add me configuration: https://imgur.com/Au6yp9e
  7. I discovered that the bug comes from the client because if I remove the mod that goes in the client it shows to put the password but without putting it, I accept and enter without writing it and it shows the crystals so the gameserver mod is not the problem
  8. Achievements system the npc exists, if you wanted it more practical you could add the function to the handle chat
  9. Some mods that go through my head are: 1- map list below minimap in red when closed and turn green when portals are open 2- A mod that allows the ScrollNotice in version 1.36 and 1.38 3- A mod that allows you to create a character action for swing and another for the wings, that is (I replaced the effect of the rebirth to sit on the chairs but it would be nice to have both effects) with this you can make a script to change normal wings a wings fly with the mod you shared before, I can't use that mod because instead of flying it copies the swing effect and sees itself sitting with the wings 4- A mod that allows you to activate the PK system outside the safe zones like the PK ON script but without having to install that script (it will be like PVP but without entering the teampk) 5- I don't know if it is possible to create a mod that at a certain time in PK maps in the part of the minimap they highlight in red where there are enemies as well as in today's battle royale and you see a point of more or less where it is (this mod would allow no AFK characters) would include even if they were invisible 6- If it is possible, a mod that reduces the area of the map every 10 minutes to, for example, close the map that does not let you leave that area and the enemies get closer, it would be more or less like delimiting the area 7- Winged icons of the name or Guilds and they are all that come to mind at the moment haha sorry for the english I translate it in google
  10. This mod works well but on low rate servers since on high rate servers when moving faster due to movement speed they start to take time to load the npc and mobs but on a low rate server it works very well thanks for this mod
  11. Hello v3ctor this mod is great only that it has a small bug, it does not show the amount of crystals attached before installing the mod and after installing https://imgur.com/4RA6S6D https://imgur.com/DEAaq8S
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