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Everything posted by V3ct0r

  1. As a solution it is possible to patch lua function GetChaItem(), or, to be more precise, SItemGrid* CCharacter::GetItem2(Char chPosType, Long lPosID). This function can only work with equipped items (chPosType = 1) and main inventory (chPosType = 2). With the help of the patch, it will be possible to obtain the attributes of items in a temporary bag (chPosType = 3) by slot number. With this modification I did the following:
  2. Thank you very much @mkhzaleh! Updated the link in the first post. @Ziggy
  3. Например, с помощью GM-команды: &move <Координата X>,<Координата Y>,07xmas Чтобы сделать предмет или NPC, которые отправят игрока на данную карту, предлагаю изучить скрипты уже существующих предметов-билетов ("Билет до Серебряного", например) и NPC-портальщиков (например, "Портальщик Аргента - Джовиал") соответственно. Также на форуме есть гайды:
  4. Hello @dragontechi, You shouldn't use 60fps_impl/60fps_impl.vcxproj project. As far as I remember, this is a debug project for a specific version of Game.exe. Instead, you need to use pkodev.mod.60fps.impl_NNN.dll for your version of Game.exe, according to the instructions in the first post. I also remind you again that the mod is deprecated and it is better not to use it. Hello! No, this is not in my plans, unfortunately. Have a good day too!
  5. No, I refer to GameServer lua scripts, which are located in the GameServer/resource/script/ directory. Analysis of the source code of these functions in C++ can, of course, give more understanding of the specifics of their operation. If you just need to give an item to the player, use the GiveItem() function. If you need to create an item, get and set its attributes, then use the MakeItem() function in conjunction with the GetChaItem(), GetItemAttr() and SetItemAttr() functions. Look at function Creat_Item(item, item_type, item_lv, item_event) from \GameServer\resource\script\calculate\AttrCalculate.lua. The item_event parameter is the quality/type of the item being created. This function performs some manipulations with the item, depending on the parameter. For Type = 95 it will be: elseif item_event == QUEST_AWARD_SCBOX then count = CreateItemAttrCount ( item_type , item_lv , item_event , quality , Item_Attr_95 )
  6. Привет, @Nik! Что подразумевается под "не помогло"? Какая-то ошибка? В окне GameServer в списке "Map List" должна появиться карта "07xmas" с надписью "ok" напротив. Это означает, что карта установлена и запущена корректно:
  7. We are releasing the original Unity3D project for this demo. The project was developed on Unity3D version 2018.2.11f1, but it also opens and runs on later versions, for example, 2022.3.13f1. It is presented "as is" and does not pretend to be of high quality. Download (Google Drive) - 117.5 MB @Graf
  8. Выкладываем исходный проект Unity3D для данного демо. Проект разрабатывался на версии Unity3D 2018.2.11f1, но так же открывается и запускается на более поздних версиях, например, 2022.3.13f1. Выкладывается "как есть" и не претендует на качественное исполнение. Скачать (Google Drive) - 117,5 Мб
  9. @NoWinFate, привет! Есть какие-либо новости и обновления?
  10. I think this requires a Game.exe patch. Because the effectiveness display is most likely done only for certain types of items.
  11. If you are using Game.exe from the official client, then this is a non-trivial task. You need to patch Game.exe or develop a special mod.
  12. Hello @Daxter, Looks like these server files have Horoscope quests:
  13. Hello @kyleflow, 0 => 'Doing nothing' 1 => 'Not attack' 2 => 'Escapes the attack' 4 => 'Follows those who summoned' 5 => 'Counter-attack' 10 => 'Attacks' 11 => 'Attacks'
  14. Send your GameServer.exe please if still relevant.
  15. Hello @hdcs1212, There are nothing great or revolutionary. Anyone who has basic Unity3D and programming skills can make such a demo. Also, all materials and tools are publicly available, for example, a program for exporting models and animations from the game client. At the moment I am not interested in developing such projects, but I can talk to you about this topic here. Also, if anyone is interested, we can post the source code of the project on the forum.
  16. Hello @kyleflow, @mkhzaleh says that you need implement interproccess communication mechanism between the instances of your GameServer, or in other words synchronize some global variables. You can achive it using, for example, a file, or with &lua_all GM-command as a lua-function (see implemenation above). What exactly is your problem?
  17. Hello @MrWick, It is impossible because we can't get access to items in the temporary bag from scripts, in other words the GetChaItem() function doesn't work with the temporary bag. P.S. The topic has been moved to Questions & Help section.
  18. Agree with @mkhzaleh, you need to view these logs, they should reflect what exactly the problem is, and correct errors in the server scripts.
  19. V3ct0r


    Helo @StaffEN, Unfortunately it is hard to do and even harder to explain.
  20. Hello @Puu, Have you tested this assumption?
  21. Hello @StaffEN, You can try using Game.exe from this archive.
  22. Hello @Daxter, These mods and the tool work only with official 1.3x Game.exe. There a number of official builds of 1.3x Game.exe. They are similar in their binary structure, but still have some differences that are critical when developing mods. It's hard to develop mods for every single version of Game.exe, so I only supported 6 of them, which are most often used by administrators and players. The message says that your Game.exe is not included in the set of supported Game.exe. Note 1: I don’t know what specific versions these Game.exe have (1.35, 1.36, 1.38 or 1.39), but they all fall under the definition of version 1.3x. Note 2: As you can understand, mods do not work with Game.exe, which are obtained after building the Corsairs Online source codes (when you use source codes, there is no need to use mods - you can make changes directly to the source code, which is much easier).
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